DiGiTaL gEt DoWn PaRt FoUr

"Hello?" Sarah asked groggily, as she groaned inwardly. This was the second day in a row someone had called her before she'd even woken up.

"Hey, how'd your date go?"

"God, Danielle, can't you wait until a decent hour to call me? I haven't gotten my full night of sleep for two days cuz of you," Sarah whined.

"I don't think it was me who cut into your beauty sleep last night." Danielle laughed. "So, tell me all the details. Was the sex as good as you thought it would be?"

"I'm not sure."

"Why? Were you drunk or something?"

"Nope. We didn't have sex."

"What?! All that talk, and you didn't even do anything?!"

"Well, we did do something's," Sarah laughed. "Pretty much everything EXCEPT fuck."

"Well, then why didn't you?"

"JC's condom broke before he even got the chance to put it on. And I'm really not in the mood to get pregnant or die, so, we decided to just. . . play. . . "

"Ah, I see. How was dinner? Didja have a hard time keeping your hands off the boy?" Danielle asked.

"Actually. . . we never quite made it to dinner. . . "

"You didn't?!"

"No. JC drove for like 5 minutes, and we kept looking at eachother, and there was this thick, thick sexual tension in the air. Then suddenly, he just pulled over, and we both took our seat belts off, and then we were all over eachother."


"I know, it was like something out of a movie." Sarah laughed at the memory. "A porno."

"Except in porno's they usually have sex."

"Yeah, well, it'll happen."

"Knowing both you and JC, I'm sure it will. You have another chance to see him tonight if you want."

"Really?" Sarah asked anxiously. "Why? What's going on?"

"JC's having a party. Well, not JC, but, Jive is, and it's going to be held at his place. You and I are both invited."


"It starts at seven, so I'll pick you up at six-thirty, ok?"

"Ok, cool."

"All right, well, I'm gonna go now, and call JC to see if he needs me to bring anything."

"Ok, bye!"

"Bye hun."

Sarah hung up the phone, and ran to her closet, to figure out what she would wear that night.

At around seven fifteen, Danielle pulled up into a long, car filled driveway. Sarah gasped at the extravagance of the place. It was a large, 3 story, white house, with huge windows, a balcony on the second floor, and a wrap around porch.

"Wow," she gasped.

"I know," Danielle said. "He's loaded, and spends a lot of his money on this house."

She and Sarah climbed out of the car. "It's beautiful."

Danielle giggled. "Nice place to get married in. . . and raise a family in. . . "

"And have lots and lots of sex in." Sarah said.

Both girls burst out laughing.

"How do I look?" she asked, once they got to the front door, and Danielle rang the doorbell.

Danielle looked Sarah over. She was wearing tight, leopard print pants, and a black halter top.

"Great. How about me?"

Danielle was wearing a shimmery lavender halter top, and black leather pants.

"Very shiny, and very nice."


A man in a black tux pulled open the door, loud music streamed out of the house. "Welcome," he said. "Please come in."

Danielle smiled. "Thanks, Jeffery. We can find our own way to the party."

Jeffery nodded, and the girls began down the hall.

"He has a butler?" Sarah asked in a low voice.

"No, a host. Jeffery only works here when JC has parties."

"Oh," she nodded. "I see."

Danielle pushed open the two large doors at the end of the hall, and they walked into the banquet room the party was being held in. There were a lot of extravagantly dressed people there, and it kind of overwhelmed Sarah. Danielle seemed very much at ease.

"How many of these have you been to?" Sarah asked.

"Tons. The guys invite me to them all the time. Just remember two things. One-if you know the guys, everyone will love you, and two-if you sleep with one of the old men here, they will probably give you a record deal. But you won't have to worry about that one."

Sarah laughed. "I'll keep that in mind."

"Dani!" a voice called from the side of them. "Hey, babe!"

Both girls turned to their right, where a man with bright red hair was coming towards them.

Danielle reached over and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "Hey, Joey. This is Sarah Smith, a good friend of mine."

Joey extended his hand to her, and they shook hands. "Hey, what's up?"

"Hey," she said in response.

"This is the girl JC has been talking about none stop." Danielle explained.

Joey nodded. "I can see why he talks about her so much."

Sarah blushed.

Both Joey and Danielle laughed.

"Do you know where he is, by any chance?" she asked.

Joey looked around, skimming the crowd quickly. "Oh, he's over there by the sliding glass doors, talking to some teen aged girl who didn't get invited, but, decided to come in anyways. JC didn't wanna be rude, and kick her out, so, he let her stay, and that girl has been following him around all night like a stray cat."

Danielle laughed. "He'll never learn will he?"

Joey shrugged. "I guess not."

"Well, I'm gonna go over and say hi to him." Sarah said.

"All right, I'll see you later, Bear."

"See ya." Sarah took off across the room, making her way through half dressed woman, and men in suits.

"JC!" she said once she got within ear shot of him.

JC looked up, and when he saw her, and big grin spread across his face. "Sarah!"

She walked over to him, smiling sexily, and he met her with a kiss.

"Who is she?" the girl standing next to him asked.

"Oh, Debbie Marsch, this is Sarah Smith. My girlfriend."

Debbie's face fell. "Oh. I think I'll go find Justin and talk to him now."

JC laughed. "Ok, bye, kiddo."

Debbie rolled her eyes and stalked off.

JC wrapped his arms around Sarah's waist.

"Girlfriend, huh?" Sarah asked.

JC nodded. "Yeah. That is, if you want to be. My girlfriend, I mean."

She gave him a soft kiss on the lips. "Of course I do."

JC starred into her eyes for a moment, and sent chills up and down Sarah's spin. The way he looked at her. . .his gaze so intense. . . she just wanted to strip her clothes off, and do him right there in the middle of everything.

Suddenly, JC grabbed her hand, and pulled her quickly across the room.

"Where are we going?!" Sarah cried.

"Shh!" he said, as he continued pulling her along. The left the banquet room, and JC pulled her into the first door down the hall, slamming the door behind him.

The lights were off, and Sarah couldn't see a thing. But boy could she feel some things.

Immediately JC wrapped his arms around her body, hungrily kissing her lips, slipping his tongue into her mouth, running his hands up and down her body.

He pushed her up against the wall, as their tongues intertwined. Sarah ran her hands through JC's hair from the back, pushing his head as close to hers as possible.

Suddenly, she was sitting on a counter top that seemed to have come out of nowhere, as they moved around the dark room. She wrapped her legs around his waist, and moved her hands up and down his chest. Their hips were grinding together, as they continually kissed.

These kisses were unlike any she had ever experienced before. There was so much more passion, and sex appeal in them. Hungry kisses. Hungry to taste more then was there.

Sarah felt JC harden between her legs, and didn't stop him as he slipped his hands under her shirt. She shivered with joy as he ran his fingers up her back, feeling their way to her bra strap, which confused him when he didn't find one, due to the fact that she was wearing a tube top.

She loosened her legs, and let them fall the the floor. JC twirled her around, still kissing her, and moved his hands around to her front, as they somehow managed to walk across the room. She felt her legs give beneath her, as they fell together onto a bed.

JC was lying beneath her. She pulled away from his mouth, and sat up so that she was straddling him. Smiling at him, she pulled her shirt over her head, exposing her breasts to JC. Starring at them, he rolled her over, and took her nipple into his mouth, sucking and tugging at it, and he ran his hand down he tummy, to her pants.

Sarah moaned out in ecstasy. Everything he had said he would do to her online didn't even compare to this.

As he pulled her pants off, she ripped his shirt off of him, and began tugging at his pants. Before she could get them all the way off, JC began kissing down her stomach, until his lips met her pussy. He slid his tongue between her pussy lips, and began moving it around, tasting her inside and out.

"Oh. . . my. . . GOD!" she screamed. He knew exactly what he was doing. Where to move his tongue, what to suck, EVERYTHING to make her do wild. "YES!"

Sarah bucked her hips as he continued eating her out, until he tasted her cum in his mouth, then made his way back up her body, pulling his pants off along the way.

By this time she wanted to taste him herself. She pushed him down next to her, and slid her body down to his legs, and licked his hardened dick.

"Blow me!" he moaned.

Sarah encircled the tip of his dick with her mouth as she massaged his balls, and flicked his head with her tongue, while he yelled out her name over and over. She vigorously sucked his dick, going up and down, licking, sucking, and blowing, until he was practically screaming.

Then suddenly, she pulled away, and climbed back on top of him, feeling his sweaty body against hers. She licked his lips, and began sucking on his lower lip, then pulled away.

"I want to feel you inside of me so bad." she whispered in his ear, as she rubbed his dick.

"Oh, baby, I want to fuck you HARD!"

"Do you have protection?" she whispered.

"Yeah." he grunted, as she touched a very sensitive spot on his dick.

He reached over to the bed side table, and pulled a condom out of the drawer. He ripped the paper, and reached down to put it on, but Sarah stopped him.

"Wait," she said. "Let me."

She took the condom from his hand, placed it just right in her mouth, and slipped it fully on his dick using only her mouth. "Just a little something I picked up." she explained in a low voice.

She climbed back on top of him, grinding her crotch into his dick. She moved herself so JC slipped inside of her, and just as she was about to roll her hips, JC flipped her over, so he was on top.

He pumped his dick inside of her, as she wrapped her legs around his hips.

"Fuck me! Fuck me! Fuck me!" she yelled as he pulled in and out, over and over, hitting her everywhere that felt good to her. "Harder!"

He thrust himself deeper into her, causing her to scream out in pleasure.

"Oh, JC! Oh my God!" she screamed.

"Sarah! Oh, God! Oh, yes!" he called out at the same time.

Finally, panting, JC pulled out, and falling limp, laid down beside her, still massaging her breasts.

"We. . . should. . . go back. . . to the . . . party. . ." Sarah said between breaths.

"Yeah. . . "

JC rolled over, and handed her her underwear.

"JC?" she asked.


"That was the best fuck I've ever had." she said, slipping them on.

"Oh, really? I'm that good, huh?"

Sarah laughed. "Better."

"Ya know what?"


"That was the best fuck I've ever had, too." he slipped his pants on.

"We should do this again sometime soon." Sarah said.

"After the party?"

"It's a date."

PaRt FiVe
