DiGiTaL gEt DoWn PaRt SeVeN

"Where are you going?" JC asked Sarah, who was getting ready to walk out the door in only a white terry cloth robe.

"I scheduled a massage for myself, and if I don't leave now, I'll be late." she replied, kissing him on the cheek. "Bye, sweetie."

"Bye, baby."

Sarah slid a key card into the only pocket on her robe, and made her way out into the hallway, climbing into the elevator, and going down the the first floor, where all guest facilities were located.

"Hi, I have an appointment for a massage at six thirty." she said sweetly to the lady sitting at the desk.

"Name please?" the lady asked.

"Sarah Smith."

The lady looked over a large appointment book. "Ah, yes. Go right through those double doors, to the second door on the left. Go on in, and remove all your clothes, there will be a towel for you to place over your buttocks. Haviar will be in as soon as he's done with his paper work from his last client."

"All right, thank you." Sarah walked through the double doors, and did exactly as the lady asked, wrapping a yellow towel around her waist before lying down on the table.

After no more then two minutes of waiting, Sarah heard the door open.

She looked up. A tall, buff man, with long blonde hair entered the room, and flicked the radio on. Soothing music filled the air.

"Hello." he said, with a thick accent of some sort. "I am Haviar. I'll be your massuse for the day. Just close your eyes. . . relax. . . and I'll make sure to relieve all the tensions in your body. Now, for the oils, do you prefer vanilla or jade?"

"Vanilla." she replied, resting her head back down on the table.

"Excellent choice. Now, relax. . . relax. . ."

Haviar began massaging her back, slowly, working every muscle group.

"Haviar," a voice echoed over the intercom. "I need to see you for a moment, right now!"

Haviar groaned. "I'm very sorry, you'll have to excuse me for one moment."

"No problem." Sarah said, her voice mufled, because it was still resting on the table.

She heard Haviar leave the room, and moments later reenter. This time she didn't bother to look up.

She felt his hands on the small of her back using his index and middle finger on each hand to massage the area.

Sarah had almost let the gentle motions and soothing music take her into a light sleep, when she felt soft, cold lips against her shoulder.

"Hey!" she cried, her eyes flinging open. "I have a boyfriend!"

"I know," a low, sexy voice whispered. "He's a very lucky guy."

"JC?!" Sarah asked, turning her head around. "What are you-"

JC put his finger over her lips. "Sshhh."

He replaced his finger her his lips, and crawled onto the table as Sarah rolled over onto her back, exposing her already naked body.

Still wearing a pair of pants, JC climbed on top, so that he was straddling her. "I'm your massuse now." he said, reaching over and grabbing a bottle of vanilla oil.

He popped the lid, tipped the bottle upside down, then squeezed a small amount onto her stomach. He began softly rubbing the oil into her tan stomach, and over her breasts.

"Mmmm," she murmured. "I like you better then Haviar."

JC just smiled, picking up the oil again. He squeezed a line, leading from her belly button to just about her pussy. Instead of massaging, this time, JC knelt down, lightly touching his tongue to her stomach, and trailing his tongue down to her pussy. Before she knew it, JC had plunged his tongue deep inside of her, working it in the circular motion that turned her on more then anything.

"JC. . . " she moaned. "Oooohhh!"

Her warm juices flowed onto his tongue, as he twisted his tongue around inside of her as if it were a tornado.

"FUCK ME!" she screamed.

JC looked up, a grin on his face. "So soon?" he asked.

She nodded eagerly, sitting up and sticking her fingertips into the top of his pants, and helping him unbutton them.

As his boxers dropped to the floor, JC took both of her hands, and pinned them above her head, licking her tits as he lowered himself into her, moving himself in and out, slowly at first, then faster and faster, as she screamed in pleasure.

"Fuck! Fuck! FUCK!" she screeched.

JC grunted as he released his load into her, then pulled out, laying himself ontop of her, his face on her chest, both of them breathing heavily.

"That. . . was. . . the best. . massage. . .I've ever had. . . "

PaRt EiGhT
