HaNd In HaNd PaRt OnE

It was almost 4:30 on April 3, and Maria Fabara was pacing back and forth in her hotel room. In less then 24 hours she would be a married woman.

As much as she loved Jeff, she still had fears that their relationship wouldn't work out.

I mean, what did they really know about eachother? They'd only been dating a year and a half, and saw eachother less then half of that time because of Jeff's hectic schedule.

You see, Jeff Timmons was a member of one of the worlds most popular Motown acts, 98*, and spent most of his time on tour.

Stop It. She ordered herself. Just stop right now! You love Jeff more then anything and he loved you. Stop worrying. Everything will be fine.

Sighing, she sunk back into her bed, and picked up the remote, clicking on the television.

It was already on MTV, where Britney Spears latest video had just finished rolling.

"No, as promised," Carson Daley said. "Here's Serena Atchull (I dunno how to spell her name! Sorry!) with some news on 98*."

Maria's ears perked up.

"That's right Carson, I have some very important news about group member Jeff Timmons. It seems that tomorrow he's going to be married. He never announced the engagement publicly, but this comes as no surprise to fans, considering he's been very open about his relationship with fiance Maria Fabara since the begining." as she spoke a clip of Jeff and Maria walking along the red carpet before the MTV Video Music Awards rolled. "Here's a clip of Jeff talking about their relationship at the VMA's after party."

The screen cut to Jeff, his arm around Marian at the after party.

"We met a couple years ago through a mutual friend, and kept seeing eachother around, and I just thought she was beautiful in every way. So finally, I just asked her out. I thank God every day she said yes, because I've grown to love her more then I thought I could ever love anyone."

On screen Marian was beaming. "Aww, baby! Your so sweet! I love you, too!"

The two kissed, and the TV went back to Carson and Serena.

"They really do seem like a happy couple." Serena said.

Carson nodded. "Ya know, I was invited to the wedding." Carson said.

"You were? Are you going to go?"

He nodded. "Yeah, yeah, I think I will."

"Well, tell us how it goes."

"All right, all right, I will. Serena Atchull everybody."

Maria clicked off the TV, a big grin on her face. She suddenly knew that everything she was doing was right.

Dawn Estes pulled open the door to her apartment, where a tall, muscular man met her with a kiss.

"Nick, baby, hey!" she smiled.

"Hi, sweetheart."

"What are you doing here?" she asked.

"Well, I was on my way to Jeff's and I wanted to stop in and say I love you."

"Aww!" she cooed. "I love you, too, Nick."

He wrapped his arms around her waist, and captured her lips in another kiss.

"Well," he said, pulling away. "That's all the time I can spare. See ya."

Dawn laughed. "Well, geez, don't be in such a hurry to spend time with me!"

"I'm sorry, baby."

"I know you are. Just don't have to much fun without me!"

"Don't worry, I won't." he kissed her one last time before darting out the door.

Jasmine Lucus pulled her favorite dress out of her closet, to have it ironed for tomorrows ceremony.

Jasmine was a good friend of Maria's, so, of course she had been invited to the wedding.

She pulled the dress on, and walked over to her full length mirror.

"Yuck." she muttered, starring at her body.

The baby blue, spaghetti strapped dress hung loosely on her body. She's lost a lot of weight since the last time she'd worn it.

"I'm so FAT!" she yelled angrily at her stick thin image. "GROSS!"

Jasmine yanked off the dress, threw it, balled up, on the floor, crawled into bed, and began to cry.

Sara Shepard stepped out of the elevator on to the 6th floor of Maria's hotel. She walked down the hall to her hotel room, knocking on the door.

Maria pulled the door open. Hey, Sara. Come on in."

Sara smiled, and stepped inside. "Hey, girlie. How you holdin up?"

Maria shut the door. "Pretty good."

"You nervous."

"Extremely!" she cried.

The two sat down on Maria's bed.

"Oh my God, I have to tell you something." Maria suddenly cried.


"Do you remember when you met Drew last month?"

Sara nodded. "Yeah. He seemed kinda quiet."

"Well, he's been talking about you ever since. That boy has a major thing for you."

"Really?" she grinned.

"Yup." Maria quipped.

"Well, he *is* very, *very* cute."


"All right, he's hot."

They both laughed.

"So, are you interested?" asked Maria as she she pulled her thick, curly hair into a pony tail.


"Ok, I'll let him know."

The girls fell silent for a moment.

Maria sighed. "I miss, Jeff! But it's tradition to not see the groom 24 hours before the wedding."

Sara nodded. "I'm sure he's thinking the same thing right now."

"Yeah, right! He's probably at his bachelor party, where some girl is stripping for him!'

"Hey guys!" Jeff called over the blasting music to Nick Lachey, Drew Lachey, and Justin Jeffre. "Thanks for the party! It's great!"

"Well, we couldn't let you go off and get married on us without throwing you a bachelor party, could we?" Justin asked.

Jeff grinned, taking a swig of his beer.

Suddenly, there was a knock at the door.

Someone pulled the door open. A tall, busty woman in a short police officers uniform walking inside confidently.

The music cut out.

"I heard some bodies been bad." she said in a husky voice.

Everyone pointed to Jeff. She sauntered over to him.

"You have the right to remain silent, the right to a lawyer, and most of all, the right to touch anything you want!" she pated his body up and down, then grabbed his collar, pulling him to a chair, where she pushed him down, and began stripping for him, while all the guys around him whistled, and shouted obscene comments.

But Jeff wasn't amused. All he could think about was what his soon to be wide was doing at that very moment.

PaRt TwO

Email: angel00165@aol.com