HaNd In HaNd PaRt TwO

Maria stood outside the doors that led her into the doors to open and her bridesmaids to walk down the aisle.

Everything had gone perfect. The church was beautiful, everyone had showed up on time. . . the perfect day. But that didn't stop her from being nervous.

"You look beautiful, sweet pea." Mr. Fabara said, walking up to his daughter, and giving her a kiss.

Maria was wearing a very traditional wedding gown. It was white, with a bodice embroided with silk flowers, then became full at the hips enabling the skirt to have a long, flowing trail. Her wail was a crown of white flowers, that trained down her back. Her long, curly black hair was pulled up in the crown, with several tendrils falling around her face.

"Thank you, daddy." she said softly.

Mr. Fabara pulled the front of the veil down so it covered her face, and smiled.

The wedding march played, and the doors opened. Mr. Fabara and Maria linked arms, and slowly made their way to the alter.

Everyone was standing, gazing at Marian with happy, beaming faces, but all Maria could see was Jeff.

They got to the alter. Mr. Fabara lifted the veil, and kissed Maria on the cheek. "I love you, darling."

"I love you, too, daddy."

Smiling, he walked to the first pew.

Maria turned, and locked eyes with Jeff.

He extended his hand to her, and she took it, talking next to him.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to join these two people in holy matrimony. Jeffery Timmons, and Maria Fabara. Before we continue on with the ceremony, is there anyone who sees a reason these two should not be joined? Speak now or forever hold your peace."

Nobody said a word, or made a movement. Everyone knew Maria and Jeff were meant to be together.

"Jeffery, Maria, I believe you had written your own vows, am I correct?"

They both nodded.

"Jeffery, please go on. . ."

Jeff took Maria's hands into his, and looked straight into her eyes. "Maria," he beathed.

Maria smiled.

"Baby, we're finally here. This is finally happening for us." he took a deep breath. "Last night, I sat down, and tried to write down how I was feeling. but, it was so hard. There really are no words to describe how I feel for you. My feelings run to deep, fill my life so much, and complete my soul. I can't even say I love you, because those words aren't strong enough to convey what my heart does every time I look at you. You are the most beautiful, intelligent, loving, caring woman I have ever met, and not a moment goes by without me thinking about you. I love you, and will forever."

Tears had begun to fill Maria's eyes, but taking a deep breath, she began to speak.

"Jeff, I-I want you to know, everything you just said to me is mutual. The words 'I love you' are not nearly strong enough to describe what I feel for you. When I first saw you, my heart began beating faster, and hasn't stopped since. I can't imagine a life without you in it, and I won't LET there be a life without you in it. You ARE my life. They say that love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies. It is very rare that you find your other half. I thank God every day that I douns mine. Today, before all of our loved ones, and before God, I give myself to you completely for the rest of my life. I love you eternally."

They starred into eachothers eyes for a moment, before the Pastor spoke again.

"The rings please?"

Jeff's four year old nephew stumbled up to the pastor, and he took the rings. He handed one to each Maria and Jeff.

"Jeffery, do you take Maria to be your lawfully wedded wife, to honor and obey, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, till death do you part?"

"I do."

"Repeat after me. With this ring, I thee wed."

Jeff slipped the ring on Maria's finger. "With this ring, I thee wed."

"Maria, do you take Jeffery to be your lawfully wedded husband, to honor and obey, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, till death do you part?"

Marian shakily slipped the ring on Jeff's finger. "With all my heart."

"I now pronounce you man and wife. Jeffery Timmons, you may kiss your bride."

Jeff cupped Maria's face in his hands, and their lips met in their first kiss as a married couple.

PaRt ThReE

Email: angel00165@aol.com