HaNd In HaNd

"Excuse me," Justin said loudly, standing up at the reception that afternoon. "I would like to make a toast." he held up his glass. "Maria, Jeff, there are no two people in this world that are meant to be together more. Here's to an eternity of love."

"Here, here!" someone shouted, as Justin sat down.

Jeff stood up, and picked up a cordless mic. "Everyone, I would like to thank you for coming. Now, I have a surprise for my lovely wife."

Maria's eyes widened.

"I wanted to first song we danced to as a married couple to be one that had a lot of meaning to me, and showed how I feel. SO, what better way to show my feelings, then to sing about them. Nick, Justin and Drew agreed to help me out here, and I managed to seal the leads from Nick."

As everyone laughed, the guys walked over to where the hired band was set up.

"Maria, may I have this dance?" Jeff asked, extending his hand.

"You certainly may."

Jeff led her onto the dance floor, nodded at the band, telling them to start, and as they danced, Jeff sang to her.

All I am, All I'll be,
Everything in this world,
All that I'll ever need, Is in your eyes,
Shining at me,
When you smile I can feel
All the passion unfolding,
Your hand brushes mine,
And a thousand sensations,
Seduce me cause I

I do, cherish you,
For the rest of my life,
You don't have to think twice,
I will, love you still,
From the depths of my soul,
It's beyond my control,
I've waited so long,
To say this to you,
If your asking do I love you this much,
I do.

In my world, Before you,
Lived outside my emotions,
Didn't know where I was going,
Till that day,
I found you,
How you opened my life,
To a new paradise,
In a world torn by change,
Still with all my heart,
Till my dying day.

I do, cherish you,
For the rest of my life,
You don't have to think twice,
I will, love you still,
From the depths of my soul,
It's beyond my control,
I've waited so long,
To say this to you,
If your asking do I love you this much,
I do.

I do, cherish you,
For the rest of my life,
You don't have to think twice,
I will, love you still,
From the depths of my soul,
It's beyond my control,
I've waited so long,
To say this to you,
If your asking do I love you this much,
I do.

Everyone applauded as the song ended, the band began playing "Can't Take My Eyes Off of You", and everyone began to dance.

Justin stepped off the podium, and looked around. He noticed Jasmine, one of his closest friends was sitting all alone, looking very uncomfortable.

He strolled over to her. "Hey, Jasmine. How ya doin?"

Jasmine shrugged. "I feel kinda outta place. I don't know to many people here, ya know?"

"Ah, don't worry about. You know me!" Justin grinned, tilting his head to the dance floor. "Come dance with me."

"All right," she smiled, laughing.

Justin held out his hand, and helped her up. Together they walked out to the dancefloor.

Sarah smiled as she watched Drew looking at her as if deciding on whether or not to come over and talk to her.

*Should I make it easy on him and go talk to him? Or make him sweat it out and talk to me?* She laughed to herself. *I'll let him sweat!*

After what seemed like an inward battle with himself, Drew made his way over to her.

"Uh, hi, Sarah." he said, nervously.

She smiled sweetly. "Hey, Drew."

"How are you?" he asked.

"I'm fine. How are you?"

"I-I'm good."

Sarah started laughing at how nervous he was acting. "Drew, do you want to dance with me?"

"Yeah, actually, I do."

Sarah stood up and took his hand, leading him to the dancefloor.

Dawn snuggled closer to Nick as they danced.

"I love you," Nick whispered in her ear.

A smile spread across her face. "I love you, too, honey."

"Do you know how good it feels to hold you in my arms?" he asked.

"Yeah. Because it feels even better to be held." Dawn whispered.

"I want to hold you in my arms forever. I can't imagine my life without you." Nick pulled away, and got down on his knees, pulling a ring out of his pocket. "Dawn Michelle, will you marry me?"

Dawn's eyes widened. "Oh my God! Nick!" tears filled her eyes. "Yes! Of course! Yes!"

Grinning, Nick jumped up and pulled her into a long, passionate kiss.

PaRt FoUr

Email: angel00165@aol.com