HaNd In HaNd PaRt FoUr

"That was so sweet, Justin!" Jasmine cried as she climbed into his car after the reception. "I can't believe Dawn started crying so much! She must really love him!"

Justin grinned, revving up the engine. "She was pretty damn happy."

"Leave it to Nick to do that at someone else's wedding." she laughed.

"I was just thinking that myself. That guy lives for attention."

"Well, he has to in your line of work," she said.

"I guess so."

"All in all, I'd sat it was a pretty romantic day."

"Kinda depressing, huh?"

Jasmine nodded. "Just a bit."

"Whatdya say we rent a couple movies about being single, and drown our single sorrows in a high fat, high caffeinated foods." Justin suggested.

"Sounds like a plan."

"Thank you, Drew, for the ride home. I cannot believe Janice got drunk and went home with Carson. Some ride she is." Sarah said, as Drew pulled into her driveway.

"No problem." he chuckled.

Sarah smiled. Drew had loosened up quite a bit since they first started talking.

"So, um. . .Sarah. . "


Drew ran his hands through his hair. "I was just wondering. . . well. . . um. . ."

"Drew, are you trying to ask me out?" Sarah interupted.

"Well. . . yeah. "

"Your cute." she said.

Drew blushed. "Thanks. Will you?"

She nodded. "Yeah. Why don't you give me a call, and we'll talk about it, ok?"

A grin spread across his face. "All right."

Sarah leaned over and kissed Drew on the cheek, then climbed out of his car.

Nick took Dawn's hadn't as they walked along a path in the park, the couples favorite night time hang out.

Dawn inhaled the fresh air, still grinning from ear to ear. "This has been the most amazing day of my life!"

"Mine, too. My best friend got married, my car actually started without any trouble, and it's been one hell of a hair day." he listed jokingly.

Dawn swatted him playfully. "Brat!"

"No, no, no, your right. I forgot something. I got a letter from my pen pal."

"NICK!" Dawn whined.

Nick pulled Dawn into his arms. "But, most importantly, the most beautiful woman in the world agreed to be my wife."

Smiling, Dawn stood on her tippy toes, her lips meeting Nick's. "I can't wait to *be* your wife."

"I love you." Nick whispered.

"I love you, too, Nicholas. And I always will."

Maria starred at herself nervously in the mirror. Jeff was waiting for her in the other room, waiting to consummate their marriage.

This would be their first time together, and Maria's first time with anyone.

Her heart was racing, and she didn't know what to do. *What is I do everything wrong? What if I don't like it? What if-*

Maria stopped herself, shaking her head.

"It's now or never." she told herself.

Gulping, she walked into the bedroom of the suite.

In the five minutes Maria had been in the bathroom, Jeff had managed to set candles around the bed, and turn the light off.

When he saw her, Jeff climbed out of the bed, meeting her halfway.

He was wearing only boxers, showing off his muscular body.

Jeff wrapped his arms around Maria. "How you feeling, baby?"

"Nervous." she admitted.

Jeff kissed her lips lightly. "Don't be." he said softly. "I won't do anything to hurt you. And if you don't like something, we'll stop. All right, sweet heart?"

Maria nodded, feeling a little bit more relieved.

"I love you, Maria, and I won't do anything to make you feel uncomfortable."

"I love you, too." she whispered.

Jeff kissed her neckline, as he slipped his fingers under her shirt, and cautiously pulled it over her head.

"Are you scared?" he asked in a low whisper.

"No." she whispered back. "Not at all."

"Good," Jeff scooped her up into his arms, and carried her to the bed.

Flames danced against their bodies as the two made love for the first time.

PaRt FiVe

Email: angel00165@aol.com