HeAt It Up PaRt FoUr

April 11, 2000
Cancun, Mexico
9:55 a.m.

Sarah's eyes slowly fluttered open, and she was looking into a pair of blurry green eyes.

As the eyes came into focus, she realized they were a mans beautiful green eyes. Nick Lachey's beautiful green eyes.

"Oh. . . my. . . God. . . " she said slowly.

Nick chuckled. "How you doing there, beautiful? How's your head? Did you hurt it?"

"My head?" she asked woozily.

"Yeah, you hit it when you fell." he replied.

Sarah suddenly became painfully aware of the sharp pang on the side of her head, and brought her hand to her throbbing temple. "I guess it does kinda hurt."

"Here, sweetie, let me help you up." Nick extended both of his hands, and Sarah placed her in them, allowing him to pull her into standing position. "What's your name?"

"Nick," she breathed.

Nick cocked an eyebrow. "Nick? Um. . .that's. . .interesting. . . "

"No!" she cried. "Sarah. I mean, Sarah! Sarah Smith! I'm Sarah!"

Nick laughed. "That fits you a lot better then Nick did. Who are your friends?"

Sarah looked over at Katie and the other two girls. Katie was fighting with one of them, while the other tried to break it up. "Oh, that's Katie McGraw. I don't know the other two girls."

"Oh, are you sure her name isn't Nick?" he joked.

"Very funny," she scowled.

"Nick! Where the heck are you?!" a bass voice called from the stair case.

"Up here, Justin!" Nick howled back. "Meeting our roommates!"

Three guys entered the hallway, silencing the three fighting girls.

"Well, well, well," one of them said. "What do we have here?"

"Drew, have some respect, man. Drew, Jeff, Justin, this is Sarah, Katie, and I have yet to learn the other ladies names." Nick introduced.

"I'm Brittny, and this is Danielle."

Everyone shook hands.

"Well, Jeff said. "if I had known we'd be sharing the house with four sexy women, I would have asked for less bedrooms, so one of us might be forced to share."

"That can be arranged," Katie said, smiling.

"Slut," Danielle muttered under her breath.

"Listen to me, you stuck up bitch!" Katie shouted. "I didn't mean to kiss your dumb ass boyfriend! If I'd known he had a girlfriend I wouldn't have done it!"

Danielle rolled her eyes. "Whatever. Like I believe that load of shit."

"Arg! I don't know what I even TRY!"

Both Katie and Danielle looked at eachother, and stalked into their separate rooms, slamming the doors at the same time.

The sex left in the hall glanced around eachother awkwardly.

"What was that all about?" Drew asked.

"Who knows?!" Brittny shrugged.

"I'll tell you as soon as I know." Sarah said.

"Women!" Justin muttered.

"Well," Jeff said. "We know not to mess with in this house!"

PaRt FiVe

Email: angel00165@aol.com