LaRgEr ThAn LiFe PaRt 14

The next day the girls spent almost three hours at MTV studios, taping an interview that would only be a three minute segment along with with concert clips for 1515.

Then they went back to the hotel, did a rehersal in the hotel's ballroom and were given the rest of the day off.

Luckily, they hadn't seen any newspapers with the picture of Nick and Katie, and nobody had asked them about it-yet.

"What do you guys want to do today?" Danielle asked, as they boarded the elevator.

"I think I want to dye my hair." Brittny replied.

"What color?" Katie asked.

Brittny shruged, as they got off on their floor. "Maybe I'll just get highlights or something. Depends how i feel when I get to the salon."

Katie pulled out her key, and opened the door. The girls walked in and gasped.

A very large assortment of flowers filled the room. There had to be at least 100 flowers in that room. On every table, desk, dresser, bed their were dozens of flowers.

"Oh my gosh." Brittny breathed.

"Who are they for?" Danielle asked.

"I don't know." Katie walked over to her bed and picked up a card that lay there.


I can't stop thinking about you. I hope you like the flowers. I went to a florist and picked out the prettiest flowers I could find, but still they aren't half as beautiful as you. I hope we can get together again.

Forever Yours,

Nick Carter

"Oh my god." Katie said, falling back on the bed, clasping the card to her heart. "I think I'm in love."

"What does it say?" Brittny asked.

Katie gave the card to Brittny, and she and Danielle read it.

"Awww." Brittny gushed.

"How sweet."Danielle added.

Katie sighed, and took a flower that lay in the bed next to her into her hand. She inhaled the deep smell.

Danielle laughed. "Look's like Nicky's got a thing for our girl."

"What'dya think? Should we beat him up?" Brittny joked.

"Nah, cuz they we'd hafta beat up Brian, too."

"And AJ."

"Yeah. We'll let him off easy this time. But if he ever does anything this sweet again, he can consider his ass kicked."

Katie sat up and shook her head. "Ya'll are on crack."

"Ssshhh!!" Brittny hissed.

"Cheryl might hear you! You know how she hates us doing drugs!" Danielle joked.

"Sorry, sorry. I forgot."

"Well," Brittny grabbed her bag off the floor. "I'm going to go get my hair done now."

"Alrighty. I'm gonna go take a nap." Danielle pulled open the connecting door to her room.




About two hours later, Brittny returned to the hotel.

"Hello?" she asked, pulling open her door. Katie wasn't there, but there was a note.


The guys came by. We're up in Kev's room. 1621. Come up when you get back.

<3 ya,


Brittny set the note down, grinned at her shocking new hair do in the mirror, went up to Kevin's room, and knocked on the door.

Laughing at something that someone had done or said before Brittny got there, Kevin pulled open the door. His eyes widened. "Brittny?"

She smiled, and walked in. "Hi!"

Everyone stopped what they were doing.

"Oh my god!" Katie screamed.

"What did you do to your head?" Danielle asked.

"I dyed it." Her hair had been died electric blue with green streaks. "Don't you like it?"

"No." Katie admitted.

Danielle's lips curled. "It's awful."

Brittny turned to Brian who's jaw had dropped considerably. "You like it, don't you?"

Brian gulped. "Well. . . "

"I like it." AJ spoke up. "Very bold. D, you should dye your hair blue. Very sexy."

"AJ, have you lost your mind? I don't care how sexy it is, my hair is staying brown."

"Girl, chill." Brittny pulled the hair off her head. "It's a wig." Her real hair, which now had auburn streaks tumbled down her shoulders.

Brian let out a deep breath of relief.

"Thank god." Katie sighed.

"That's cute!" Holly cried.

"Why did you do that to us?" Howie asked.

Brittny shrugged. "I wanted to see your reaction. I'm glad to know you guys can be honest with me. You guys should have seen the looks on your faces. Especially Kevin." She burst out laughing and sat down on the bed next to Brian.

"That was not funny." Danielle said.

"Yes it was."

"Anyways. . . "

"What were you guys doing?"

"Talking about how cool it's gonna be to go on tour together." Brian answered.

Nick, who was sitting in a chair, pulled Katie into his lap.

Katie giggled, and planted a kiss on his lips.

"When do you start your tour?" Diane asked.

"About a month and a half from now." Kevin replied.

"Cool. We don't have to wait to long." Holly said.

"Nope." Howie wrapped his arm around her shoulder.

"Yo, we should all do a number together." Danielle suggested.

AJ slipped his arm around her waist. "That's a good idea."

"Do you feel like being killed? Those girls in the audience will hate us for even sharing the same stage as them." Brittny said.

"They will not." Nick shook his head.

"Oh yes they will. Look at Brittny Spears." Katie said.

"You do have a point." Danielle shivered as AJ rested his hands on her stomach. "Oooh, baby, you're hands are cold."

"Oh really?" he began tickling her.

"AAAAAA!" she squealed. "Nooooo!"

AJ grinned as she squirmed in his arms.


The rolled around on the floor, until AJ was on top of her, everyone looking on amused.

AJ stopped, realizing the position they were in. They looked at eachother uncomfortably.

"You know," Danielle said. "You can get off of me any time now."

"Oh yeah. . . "

"Kiss! Kiss! Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!" Nick chanted.

Katie kissed him.

"Not you-though appreciate that greatly-them. Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!"

Everyone joined in, until Danielle picked her head up, AJ lowered his, and their lips met.

AJ rolled off of her.

"Hey! I have an idea!" Brittny cried.

"What?" Katie asked.

"Let's play. . . Truth or Dare. . . "

PaRt 15
