LaRgEr ThAn LiFe PaRt 19

Brittny and Danielle walked down the street on their way back from Blockbuster, Danielle carrying a bag of Chinese Food for her and AJ to eat, and a bag with City Of Angels in it.

"What are you and AJ planning on doing tonight?" Brittny asked, curiously.

Danielle grinned mischievously. "Oh, nothing."

"Nothing, huh? Are you planning to, you know, do anything tonight?"

"You mean, am I planning on having sex with him?"


"No. Girl, you know I'm not that fast."

"Yeah, well, AJ is. .. "

"Don't you think I have more self-control then that?"

Brittny shrugged. "All I know is I've seen you around AJ, and you two are all over eachother. . . "

"Trust me. I can handle it."

As they approached the hotel, they noticed Nick and AJ approached from the opposite side.

"Nick! AJ!" Brittny cried.

Struggling with several bags, AJ and Nick ran over to them.

"Hey, baby." Danielle said, lying a kiss on his lips.

"Hey, D."

"Hi, Nick. Hi, AJ."

"Hey Brittny. Danielle."

"Mmm.. . " AJ murmured, kissing Danielle.

Brittny and Nick rolled their eyes.

"What are you two doin?" Nick asked, as AJ and Danielle finally pulled apart, and the four of them entered the hotel.

"We were just at Blockbuster and Wong Fat's Chinese Take Out." Danielle replied.

"What about you?" Brittny asked.

"We were picking up some stuff for my date with Katie tonight." Nick answered.

"What kind of stuff?" Danielle and her nosey self asked.

"He's got a romantic dinner on the roof planned. SO, he bought some food from a nice restaurant, some champagne. . . " AJ trailed off, before whispering in Danielle's ear. "Condoms."

Danielle giggled.

"I borrowed one." AJ said proudly.

"Oh, ew! You don't borrow condoms. That would mean you would have to give it back."

AJ gave her a strange look.

"Anyways, you won't be needing one tonight anyways."

AJ looked hurt. "Why not?"

Nick, talking to Brittny, pressed the up button of the elevator in the lobby.

"AJ, we just met. That would be moving way to fast for my liking."

The door parted, and they got into the elevator along with a girl who looked to be about sixteen.

"But Nick's gettin some." AJ whined.

Nick looked startled, Brittny giggled softly, and the girl eyed Nick.

"Correction. Nick thinks he's getting some. Only Katie knows what Nick's getting."

AJ sighed.

Danielle wrapped her arms around his neck. "AJ, I like you, a lot, ok?"

He looked up into her eyes, and she just about melted.

"Let's take things slow."

"All right." AJ agreed.

"So, I guess that answered my question." Brittny said.

Danielle laughed.

Suddenly, the elevator began shaking violently, and stopped moving.

They all looked around nervously at eachother.

"Did the elevator just stop?" Nick asked.

AJ nodded slowly.

"Well, use the emergency phone, and call the front desk." Danielle suggested.

Again, they looked around.

"Where's the phone?" Brittny asked.

"I don't know." Nick replied.

"Well, there's got to be one somewhere! Isn't it like required that there's a telephone in an elevator in case of an emergency?" Brittny asked hurriedly.

"I don't know!" Danielle snapped. "What do I look like? A friggin government official to you?"

"It's ok." AJ interrupted. "I've got my cell." he pressed the power button, and held it up to his ear. "Shit! The elevator is blocking the connection."

Brittny groaned.

AJ sighed. "Looks like we're stuck."

Suddenly, everyone screamed. The elevator was moving. But not in the right direction. It was falling. Fast. The electricity cut out.

PaRt 20
