LaRgEr ThAn LiFe PaRt 20

They were plummeting into darkness, and then suddenly, it just stopped.

The impact of the sudden stop weakened everyone's knees, and they fell to the floor.

"Did it stop?" Brittny asked.

"I think so." Nick whispered.

The dim emergency lights blinked on.

"I guess that means we are stuck." Danielle said.

"At least we're stuck together." AJ pointed out.

Brittny was the first to realize there was another passenger on the elevator. "Um. .. hey, what's you're name?"

"Lauren." she replied, from where she was curled up in the corner.

"I'm Brittny. This is Nick, Danielle, and AJ."

"Hi." Lauren said, checking Nick out. "Are ya'll from the Backstreet Boys?"

Nick nodded.

"And you two are from that new group. . . uh. . . um. . . Unique."

Danielle smiled. "That'd be us."

"Wow. I love you guys!"

"Well, I'm sure once we all get out of this elevator you're gonna think we are the most annoying people in the world." Brittny laughed.


"How are they gonna know we're in here?" Nick asked.

AJ shrugged. "They'll figure it out sooner of later."

"Well, at least we have food." Danielle pointed out, motioning to her chinese food, and whatever was in Nick's bag.

"Girl, you have food on the brain." Brittny rolled her eyes.

"I was merely suggesting that if we're here for a while, we won't starve."

"My baby's always thinkin'." AJ said, kissing the side of her head. She smiled brightly.

"So, I take it yo utwo are dating?" Lauren asked.

AJ nodded. "Yo udon't watch TV much do you?"

Lauren shook her head. "What about you?" she asked Brittny and Nick. "Are you dating?"

"No!" they cried together.

"I guess you could say I'm seeing someone." Brittny said.

"Yeah, and I have a girlfriend." Nick smiled at the thought.

"Oh. I'm the only one single in here then."

"Singles not always a bad thing." AJ said.

"No. I like being able to flirt." Lauren answered.

"Me, too." said AJ.

Danielle shot him a look. "Excuse you?"

"When I'm single, babe." he said to her. "Which I don't plan on being anytime soon."

Danielle shook her head, a small smile appearing on her face. "That's better."

Lauren moved so she was sitting next to Nick. "Nick, you have very beautiful eyes."

"Thank you. You have nice eyes, too."

Lauren smiled, placing her hand on Nick's arm. "So, what were you planning on doing tonight?"

"I was planning a romantic dinner with Katie."


"My girlfriend. I wanted to do something really special for her, because she's a really special person."

"Wow," Lauren breather. "I wish I had a boyfriend as nice as you."

Danielle and Brittny exchanged looks. This chick was hanging all over their best friends man.

Katie glanced over at the clock for the millionth time that night. 8:15. Nick was later. Very late.

She stood up and check her reflection in the mirror once more.

She was wearing an ankle-length spaghetti strap silver dress and heels, her hair done up on top of her head.

Katie sighed, sat back down on the bed, and turned on the TV.

"Ow." AJ groaned, rolling his head back and forth.

"What's wrong?" Danielle asked.

"My back hurts." he whined.

"I can fix that." she crawled behind him, and began rubbing his shoulders.

"Ooooohhhhhh." he moaned softly. "Aaaahhhhh. You have magic fingers."

"I know." she moved her hands down his back, still massaging him. She slipped her hands up his shirt, and coiled them around his waist, and ran her hands up and down his muscular stomach.

"Mmmmm." AJ tilted his head so his mouth was near her ear. "You're making me want you so bad." he whispered.

Danielle smiled. "That was the point."

"Nick, you look a little tense. Would you like a massage, too." Lauren asked from across the elevator.

"No thanks. I'm fine."

"But I give the best massages."

"I bet Katie gives awesome massages. SHe has good hangs for it."

Lauren sighed.

Brittny sat in the middle of the elevator, going through the bag of stuff Nick had bought. An unusual looking box caught her eyes, and she picked it up.

"Aaaaa!" she cried, throwing it out of her hands.

Danielle looked up. "What?"

"Nick had a huge box of condoms in there!"

Nick's face turned beat red as everyone laughed.

Brian sat on his bed, flipping through the channels on the TV in his hotel room. There was nothing on. Sighing, he settled on MTV, and threw the remote down next to him.

I wonder what Brittny is doing. He thought. He really liked her. She was different then every girl he had ever dated. Very open, and treated him like they were friends more then anything else. Like she wanted to get to know him. And he knew she wasn't in it for the fame or money, because she herself was famous and not exactly poor.

Brian laid back in bed. Everyone was doing something except him. Nick had taken Katie out to dinner, AJ and Danielle were doing something or other in AJ's room, and Kevin, Diane, Howie, and Holly had all decided to go to a movie.

I shouldn't be so shy around Brittny. I need to be more my normal self.

With a determined look on his face, Brian jumped out of bed, and grabbed his room key.

It was nine o'clock. Was Nick Standing her up?

Katie held back tears, and restlessly stood up off her bed. She grabbed her room key, and headed out the door.

How could he do this to me? She stalked down the hall, and pressed the up button on the elevator.

I really like him, and he stood me up. ooohhh, that make me so mad. I'm going to give that boy a piece of my mind!

The elevator still hadn't come (A/N: Gee, i wonder why).

Katie sighed, and headed for the stairwell. She ran up the stairs to Nick's floor, and down the floor to his room.

She slowed down as she reached his room. In front of her the door before Nick's opened, but she didn't stop and the person came out of his room, and ran smack into Katie.

PaRt 21
