LaRgEr ThAn LiFe PaRt 21

"Where's Nick?" Katie demanded.

Brian looked shocked to see her. "What do you mean 'where's Nick'? I thought he was with you."

Katie shook her head. "He never showed up!"

"That's really weird, because he was so excited about going out with you. He wouldn't just not show up."

"So you haven't seen him?"

Brian shook his head. "I wonder if something happened."

"Do you think something did happen?" a wav of concern washing over her.

"That's the only explanation I can think of for Nick not showing up for a dat with you. Your all he talks about. You and basketball." Brian turned around and knocked on Nick's door. "Nick!" he yelled. "Man! Open up!"

Katie sighed. "I guess he's not in there."

"Maybe AJ and Danielle know where he is." Brian suggested.

Katie shrugged. "Maybe, but I doubt it."

Brian walked across the hall and knocked on AJ's door. There was no answer. "That's weird. I thought those two were staying in tonight."

"Maybe they don't want to be disturbed."

Brian shook his head. "No, AJ would hand on of those 'Do not disturb' signs on his door."

"What about Kevin and Howie?" Katie asked.

"No, they went to the movies with Diane and Holly." Brain replied.

"Oh, yeah. That's right."

"Do you think Brittny might know?"

"No. Brittny went out with Danielle to get the movies for her and AJ to watch, and she never came back. I assumed she had met up with you."

"No, I've been up in my room all night."

Katie groaned. "This is hopeless."

Brittny groaned loudly. "Urrg! I'm bored out of my mind!" Lauren nodded.

Danielle pushed her hair out of her face. "Yeah, this isn't exactly the funnest thing I've done in my life."

It was silent as everyone thought.

Danielle reached over and grabbed Nick's bag, and began looking through it. laughing, she pulled out a can of whipped cream. "Uh, Nick, what exactly did you plan on doing with this whipped cream?"

Nick shrugged. "AJ said I might need it for later, and threw it in the cart."

The girls burst out laughing.

"I dunno, I think Katie tastes good on her own,she doesn't need whipped cream."

AJ let out a little laugh. "Man, you are sad. It's not for the taste."

Nick looked at him, confused. "Then what is it for?"

AJ rolled his eyes. "So you have an excuse to lick it off her."

An enlightened look came over Nick's face. "OoooohhhH! Then I guess it's a good thing I got that stuff."

"Ya know," Lauren cut in. "Whipped cream feels amazing against the skin." she giggled flirtatiously. "Sadly, I haven't felt that sensation in a while." she gazed longingly at Nick.

"Lauren, honey, I don't mean to be rude or anything, but your hitting on Nick here really is pathetic." Danielle said, trying to stick up for her friend. "In case you haven't noticed, my boy Nick over here is head-over-heels for Katie."

Lauren stared at Danielle horrified.

Nick looked shocked. He had been so busy thinking about Katie, imagining the way her lips felt so soft against his, the way her hair fell around her face, the way. . . he hadn't even noticed that Lauren was making passes at him.

"Don't you think that was a little harsh D?" AJ asked.

"No, I don't. I thought it would be nice to stick up for Katie. I'm sure Nick would have, if he had realized it, but he's been so busy talking about Katie. . . "

"I-I'm sorry." Lauren whispered, scooting back into her corner.

Brittny looked at a now cowering Lauren, happy Danielle had just said that, so she wouldn't have had to. She was also proud of Nick for resisting this she-devils "charm".

Danielle sighed. "I'm sorry. That outburst was a little uncalled for, but I had to say something. Why don't we put it behind us, and start over-and that doesn't mean start flirting again. Lord knows how long we'll be in here."

Lauren's face softened. "All right. I guess we could do that."

"Brittny, what time is it?" Nick asked, knowing she had a watch.

Brittny glanced down at her wrist. "Quater after ten."

Nick groaned. "Katie's gonna think I stood her up or something. She's gonna hate me! I would die if she hated me. God, i feel so awful."

"I've never not been in the same room with Katie, and heard about her so much." Brittny laughed.

Danielle nodded, as the room fell silent again. "We have to keep ourselves entertained. I'm getting restless."

"How?" Brittny asked.

Danielle shrugged. Everyone started thinking.

She began humming a familiar tune, and started singing softly. "I don't care-"

AJ joined in, harmonizing perfectly. "Who you are,"

"Where your from," Brittny joined.

And finally, Nick. "What you did. As long as you love me."

"That was awesome!" Lauren cried. "It's like my own little concert up in here."

"Shall we sing her a few tunes?" AJ asked.

"Yeah!" Brittny cried, happy to have something to do.

"Ok, ready. . . one, two three. . .!"

"I don't care who you are, where your from, what you did, as long as you love me. . . "

PaRt 22
