LaRgEr ThAn LiFe PaRt 22

"So, what do we do now?" Katie asked.

"I guess we just do nothing."

Katie sank down to the floor. "Look at me. I'm all dressed up with no where to go."

"Well. . . "

"Well what?"

"I heard of this new night club called Blaze. We could go there. If you want, I mean."

Katie smiled. "That's be cool. I just really wish I new where Nick was."

"Yeah. Do you mind if we go down to your room and check if Brittny got back yet?"

"No. Not at all. Brittny is fun to party with."

They walked over to the elevator, and Brian pressed the button.

They stood silently for a moment. Brian pressed it again.

"What's up with this thing?" Brian asked.

"Oh, it didn't work when I pressed it earlier to come up here. I had to use the stairs."

"Weird. I wonder if they are having technical difficulties."

Danielle yawned, her eyes growing heavy.

"Tired?" Nick asked.

"Yeah." she nodded.

"Me, too." Lauren said.

"Me, three." Brittny laid down on the floor of the elevator, using her hands as a pillow.

Danielle rested her head on the wall behind her, and groaned. "I can't sleep like this."

"Come here, baby." AJ wrapped his arm around Danielle. "You can lay down on me."

Danielle smiled sleepily, then moved so her head was in AJ's lap, and she was looking at him. "Thanks."

"No prob. It feels good to have your head in my lap."

Danielle looked at him strangely.

"I-I mean. . . I didn't mean. . . "

Danielle brought her hand to his cheek, silencing him. "I know what you meant."

AJ lowered his face and captured her lips with his own.

Nick watched them from across the elevator. "That reminds me of the night Katie and I spent on the roof."

"You really like that girl, don't you?" Lauren asked, a bit tired of hearing about her.

Nick nodded. "Yeah. What's not to like I mean-"

"She's beautiful, she's a mazing, she's talented, blah, blah, blah." Lauren finished for him.

"Do I talk about her that much?" he asked, slightly embarrassed.

Lauren nodded. "Yeah, you do."

"I'm sorry. I can't help it."

"It's ok. She's a really lucky girl."

"You think?" Nick grinned.



"This club is slammin!" Katie cried over the loud music, as she and Brian danced.

"Yeah, I know! To bad Brittny couldn't come!"

"Or Nick!"

"They would love it here!"


A slow song started.

"Do you want to keep dancing?" Katie asked.

"Yeah. But don't try anything. My heart belongs to Brittny." Brian joked, placing his hands on her hips.

Katie laughed. "You know, you're a lot more outgoing when Brittny's not around."

"I know. She just makes me so nervous. I'm afraid I'm gonna do something stupid and make her hate me."

"You really like her."

Brian blushed. "Yeah, I do."

"Well, Brittny liked you, too. Don't be afraid of her. You're pretty funny, and she loves to laugh. ..just be yourself and she'll love you."

"Thanks for the advice."

"No problem at all." Katie looked around her, and grinned. "Wanna play a little game?"

"Depends on the game."

"Actually, it's more of a bet, then I game."

"Well, what is it?"

"I bet you I can get more numbers from guys in the next hour then you can get from girls."

"You're on! What are we betting on?"

"Ummm. . . If I win, you have to take off your pants in the middle of the dancefloor."

"And if I win, you have to take off your shirt."


"All right." Brian looked down at his watch. "You have till 12:15!"

PaRt 23
