LaRgEr ThAn LiFe PaRt 23

"Thanks, uh, Pete. I'll give you a call sometime." Katie said, smiling, as she excepted the napkin the tall blonde had just written his number on.

"Can't wait." Pete said, breathing onto her.

Ew! Can we say drunk?!

"Bye-bye now." Katie turned, and walked away.

She glanced around the room, until she spotted Brian. He was by the bar, talking to a short, stalky red-head.

Boy, he sure knows how to pick em. She thought, laughing to herself.

Katie felt a hand on her shoulder, and turned around.

"Excuse me," the devastatingly handsome man standing before her said in a deep, sexy voice.

"Uh. . . hi. Can I-can I help you?" Oh god, I'm making a fool out of myself.

"Actually, yes. You can. You look almost exactly like Katie McGraw from Unique." he said.

"Really? That's really funny, because, well, I am her."

"What a pleasant surprise." he extended his hand. "I'm Amoure Martinez."

Katie excepted it. "I would introduce myself, but, I guess you already know me."

"That I do. And I'm a really big fan."

"That's good to know." Katie glanced at her watch. She had 5 minutes, and this guy seemed interested.

"Would you like to dance?"

Katie smiled. "I would love to, but, I'm actually meeting a friend in a couple minutes."

"A boyfriend?"

"A friends boyfriend."

"Oh, so you play it like that?"

Katie shook her head. "Oh, no! He couldn't find her anywhere tonight, so we just decided to hang out."

"Ahhh. Well, I'll let you go then, but, can I get your number?"

"Well, I don't really have one at the moment, what with all the traveling and everything, but, if you could give me yours. . . "Katie trailed off, twirling her hair seductively.

Amoure pulled a business card out of his pocket, and handed it to her. "I can't wait to hear from you."

"Can't wait to call you. Goodbye."


She walked off, glancing at her watch again. One minute left. I guess I have enough numbers.

She walked over to the bar where she and Brian had planned to meet, and sat down.

"Excuse me," a familiar voice said from behind her, in a joking tone. "I seem to have lost my number. .. can I have yours?"

Katie whirled around in her chair, and rolled her eyes when she saw it was Brian. "I think you lost it for a reason."

Brian grinned. "How many you got?"

Katie pulled a wad of crumpled napkins out of her purse. "Seventeen."

Brian's eyes bugged out. "What?! I only got fourteen!"

Katie grinned. "Looks like those pants are coming off!"

Nick sat in a corner of the elevator, his eyelids growing heavy.

Lauren had fallen asleep, as did Brittny, and AJ and Danielle were talking to eachother in a whisper.

Every time Nick closed his eyes, he saw Katie's face.

I wonder what she's doing. He thought. It's probably after midnight now. She probably hates me. SHe probably thinks I stood up her. If only there was some way I could tell her that I would never do that. I hope she didn't cry or anything. Girls always cry over stuff like that. She shouldn't be sad. She should be having fun.

"Come on, Brian!" Katie cried, pulling Brian onto the dancefloor, and eyeing his baggy khaki's. "Drop 'em."

"So demanding." Brian shook his head. "Is this how you talk to Nick?"

Katie rolled her eyes. "Take them off!"

Brian groaned. "Do I have to?"

"Yep! You lost the bet, you suffer the consequences! Now take your pants off."

A girl walking by snickered. "Some people just can't wait." she whispered to her date, as the continued walking.

Brian laughed, and began unbuckling his pants.

"Some guy is taking his pants off!" someone shouted.

It was Katie's turn to laugh, as Brian, red-faced, let his pants drop to his ankles,revealing his black silk boxers.

Some people whistled, as Brian bent over, and picked up his pants. He grinned, and flung his pants over his head, whirling them around.

"Everybody give it up for Brian Littrell!" Katie cried.

Everyone either clapped, booed, or whistled, as Brian wrapped his pants around her shoulders, and he took a bow.

"Take your boxers off!" Someone shouted.

"Sorry, but, this is as far as I'm going."

Suddenly, Katie got an idea.

Grinning, she non-chalantly walked behind Brian, as he worked the crowd, and then quickly bent down, yanking swiftly at the hem of his boxers, causing them to slip to the floor, and revealing his bare-butt to the world-among other things.

PaRt 24
