LaRgEr ThAn LiFe PaRt 24

Brian's first reaction was to pull his pants up-which he did, his face crimson.

His second? Kill Katie.

He turned to her angrily.

Katie giggled, nervously, as she slowly back away. "Uh.. . Brian. . it was just. . . a. . . joke. Stay calm. Don't. . . don't hurt me."

Brian lunged at her.

Katie screamed, and ran, Brian chasing after her.

She ran out of the club, dodging everyone in her path, and all the way back to the hotel (which wasn't that far to begin with), Brian not far behind, still only in his shirt and boxers.

They both stopped at the hotel, out of breath, and burst out laughing.

"That. . . was. . .funny!" Katie gasped for air.

Brian nodded. "Except that all of New York has now seen my-"

"Pogo-sticks!" Katie cried.


"That shop across the street sells pogo-sticks! I haven't played with one of those in ages!" Katie pointed across the street to Babes Toy Land.

Brian rolled his eyes. "It's almost one, and they are closed. Let's go in."

"Shit! One?! I have to be at Studio 1A at six in the morning!"

"For what?" he asked, taking his pants from her, and slipping them on. They walked into the lobby of the hotel.

"The Today Show Summer Concert Series." she answered, pressing the up button on the elevator.

"Oh, well, I hope you gave a good make-up artist, cuz, your gonna have major bags under your eyes."

"What's wrong with this damn elevator?!" Katie asked.

"I dunno. Go ask."

"All right, I will." Katie stalked over to the front desk. "Excuse me."

"Yes, ma'am?" an old woman with graying hair pulled into a loose bun asked.

"The elevator hasn't been working for several hours, and I don't mean to be picky or anything, but it's awful having to walk up and down fifteen flights several times a day."

The woman looked like someone had just insulted her sense of style "I'm-I'm very sorry miss. So sorry. I'll have it fixed first thing in the morning."

Katie smiled. "Don't worry about it. Thank you."

"Enjoy your stay!"

Katie walked back over to Brian. "Looks like we're walkin'."

Brian sighed, and they walked silently up the stairs.

Brian walked her to her door.

"Thank you, I had fun." Katie said, looking through her purse for her key.

"Yeah, I did, too." Brian smiled.

He looks so cute when he smiles. Katie thought. Woa! Wait! No! No! No! You are not gonna start having feelings for Brian! But she was.

This is weird. Brian thought. Normally now would be the time where I sneak a lil goodnight kiss, but, I'm not on a date. Katie has Nick. I have Brittny. So why do I have the urge to jump Katie?

The two starred at eachother, both wanting the same thing, but both knowing it was wrong.

They're blue eyes gazed into eachother, leaving them in a trance, when Katie blinked.

She shook her head, and started looking through her bag again, a deep aching of guilt in her chest.

The she spotted the key. "Found it!" she cried, her voice overly excited. She grabbed it quckly, and flung her hand out of her purse so quickly, the key flew from her hand.

The both dropped to the floor at the same time to pick it up, causing they're heads to knock.

"Ow!" the cried together.

The both laughed, then an awful silence filed the air, as they realized how close they were. They're faces were almost touching. Each had the same feeling of a burning desire fill every inch of their bodies.

Slowly, they moved their faces even closer, until their lips met in a soft kiss.

PaRt 25
