LaRgEr ThAn LiFe PaRt 28

"Wow," Brittny said, standing in the lobby of MTV studios. "I would have thought there would have been a bigger crowd, considering the world famous Backstreet Boys are making an appearance on the show."

Katie shrugged. "I think Nick said something about this being an unannounced appearance. And they aren't performing, so, I think it's just the usual crowd of screaming sign holders."

Danielle nodded. "Yep. I bet you there'll still be signs out there for them, though. MTV has been advertising our appearance and I bet they'll have more signs then us."

"Yep." Brittny laughed. "I'd be more likely to hold up signs for them then us."

Katie nodded.

Cheryl appeared from a long hallways and motioned for the girls to follow her.

They walked down the hall, went up in the elevator (which Brittny and Danielle were hesitant to get in), down another long hallways, that had large, framed pictured of past and present MTV VJ's, and into a large room, filled with video equipment.

A corner of the room was filled with directors chairs, mirrors, and makeup tables.

A short, skinny man, wearing a headset met them at the 'door'. "Good, you're here."

"Yes," Cheryl said. "Could you prep them on what will go on here?"

He nodded, glancing at his clipboard. "Today is going to be a bit tricky, considering we have to fit you and the Backstreet Boys into an hour and a half show. So, here's how it works. Carson is going to announce the number nine and ten videos, then after the commercial break, you'll go on. You'll stay for videos eight to five, then go off. After that the Backstreet Boys will be on. Please don't leave until the show is over. It's just a big hassle in case we need you for something. Got that?"

The girls nodded.

"Good. The show starts in," he glanced at his watch. "Seven minutes, so please go over to the make-up tables for a quick touchup. While we're going to commercial before you come on we're going to have you hop in our photo booth, and take pictures, so. . . you have about fourteen minutes before you'll be needed."

"All right," Katie said.

He pointed to the make-tables. "Go on over."

"Thank you." Danielle said.

They got their faces powdered, and touchups on lipstick and eye shadow. By the time this was all done, Carson Daley had entered the room, and was talking business with the short man

And then the guys came. AJ and Nick saw Danielle and Katie and immediatly headed toward the girls. Brian was hesitant to join the, but did. Howie and Kevin spoke to the short guy.

Each couple had started their own separate conversation, though they were standing so close to eachother.

"So, Katie, what'dya say we give that date another try?" Nick asked her, after kissing her hello.

Katie smiled. "I'd love that. I'm just sorry things didn't work out last night."

"Me, too."

She ran her hand up and down his arm. "I really wanted to be alone with you."

Nick gulped at how forward her voice sounded. And the feel of her hand on his arm. . . eroused him greatly.

She starred up at him, biting her lip. Suddenly all she could think about was Brian.

"What are you doing tonight?" AJ asked Danielle, resting his hands on her hips.

She thought for a moment. "We have a mini concert and record signing right after this at Virgin, but that ends at 5:30, and after that. . . nothing."

"Why don't you let me take you out?"

"I don't know. Why don't I?"

AJ sighed. "You make everything so complicated."

"That's my job."


"But you love me anyways, right?" she asked, in a more joking voice then a questioning one.


She grinned. "Good."

"All right, Ms. Priss, would you like to go out tonight?"

"I would love to."


"Where are we going?"

AJ shrugged. "I'll think of something."

"All right, just do me one favor."

"What's that?"

"Make sure it doesn't involve McDonald's."

"So," Brian said, trying to make conversation. "Your first US album comes out today, huh?"

Brittny grinned. "Yup! I'm sooo excited!"

"Cool." he said weakly.

Her face fell. "Is something wrong?"

"No! No. What makes you say that?"

"You seem so. . . distant."

"Oh, sorry. I think I'm coming down with a cold or something." he lied.

The truth was, he felt so guilty about kissing Katie that he didn't know hot to act around Brittny-not that he really knew to begin with.

He couldn't figure out how Katie could be over there flirting and talking with Nick as if nothing had happened.

He wished it hadn't happened. All he had been thinking about since that moment was how much he cared about Brittny. How beautiful, and funny, and witty, and incredible she was. And lying to her just then wrenched his heart. Should he just tell her the truth? Or would it hurt her to much?

"Brian? Did you hear me?" Brittny interrupted his thoughts.

"What? I'm sorry, what did you say?"

"I said I'm sorry you feel bad, and I hope you feel better."

"Thanks." she was so sweet and innocent, he couldn't tell her. There. That was his decision. "You know what would make me feel better?"


"If you would come out with me tonight. To celebrate."

Brittny smiled. "All right. But only because I don't want you getting sick."

Brian smiled back. "Whatever works."

"We're on in one minute!" someone shouted.

Carson appeared on the set, and bright lights turned on over head.

"I guess it's almost time."

The girls stood behind a camera man, awaiting they're entrance.

"Welcome back to TRL, everybody. Now it's time to bring out our first guests today. They're first, self entitled, US album hits stores today. Please welcome Unique." Carson said.

Grinning, the girls walked on set, each giving Carson a hug.

"Normally, I would love three beautiful girls hugging me, but, today you're boyfriends are in the studio!" Carson said.

Brittny laughed. "I'm sure they don't mind."

"Yeah, besides, we'd much rather hug you." Danielle grinned.

"You're cuter then they are." Katie joked.

Carson did his equivalent to blushing. "Thanks, but, I don't wanna get my butt kicked or anything, so let's just keep the hugging to a minimal. I mean, there are five of them and one of me."

They all laughed.

"Now, we probably have a million teenage girls who have been keeping up with the news sitting at home going 'The Backstreet Boys are in the studio?!' YES, they are, and they will be on later, but for now, why don't yo u girls introduce yourselves."

"I'm Katie."

"I'm Danielle."

"And I'm Brittny."

"And we're-" Katie started.

"Unique." they finished in unison.

"That was well planned out." Carson laughed. "Which girl is dating which Backstreet Boy?"

"I'm dating Brian," Brittny replied, "Katie is with Nick, and Danielle is with AJ."

"AJ, huh?" Carson cocked an eyebrow. "I hear he's the wild one. What do you have to say about that?" he asked suggestively.

Danielle burst out laughing. "Well, he certainly is. . . wild."

"They're perfect for eachother." Katie said, wryly.

Carson nodded. "So, Kevin and Howie are still single for those adoring fans out there?"

Katie shook her head. "Holly and Diane from our band are dating them."

"So, it's on big happy family?"

"You could say that." Brittny said.

"Great." Carson clapped his hands together. "Now on to our number eight video. Would one of you like to intro it?"

"Sure." Brittny looked at the prompter. "Our number eight video today, falling back two notches is Britney Spears with You Drive Me Crazy. Brittny-you drive me crazy."

Carson burst out laughing as they went into the video.

"We're gonna bring the Backstreet Boys out after the next song. Would you girls like to stay and chat?" Carson asked three videos later.

"Sure," Danielle said. "We'd love to."

"Great, our number five vid today is 98* with I Do (Cherish You)."

They went into the video.

The guys walked on set, shaking Carson's hand, and taking his place beside his girlfriend. (Except Kevin and Howie, or course.)

"And. . . your on!" someone shouted.

"We're back with two of the most popular groups today. Unique and please give a warm welcome to the Backstreet Boys." Carson said.

An audio sound of clapping erupted as the guys said they're hellos.

"Nice to have you back."

"Good to be here, Carson." Brian said.

"Yeah. We're here in beautiful New York City, on our favorite show, TRL, and with three of our favorite ladies. Life is good." AJ said.

"That's great man. Your latest album Millennium is still doing great on the charts, and your new single Larger Than Life is number two on Billboard."

"Yeah. We might have been number one if the girls new single wasn't selling so much." Kevin said.

Katie laughed. "We can't help it if people like the song."

"Looks like you guys have some competition." Carson joked.

"We don't mind." Nick said.

"I'm sure you don't." Carson coked an eyebrow. "BUT, we've got to get to our fourth video which is Blessed by Christina Aguilera, and a commercial. When we return, questions from fans down in Time Square."

"I love this song." Danielle said as they went off air.

"It is pretty." Brittny said.

AJ wrapped his arms around Danielle's waist from behind and slightly swayed back and forth. "I'm blessed."

Danielle grinned. "I'm just as blessed as you are, Hun."

"How sweet." Carson joked.

"Hey, Carson, how's Love? We actually met her a couple weeks ago." Katie interrupted, not really paying attention to what was going on.

"She's great. I don't really get to see her as often as I'd like to, but, we keep in touch." he replied.

"It's hard sometimes." Howie said.

Nick nodded. "Luckily for us. . . " he took Katie's hand. Smiling she reached over, and gave him a quick kiss.

"I can see how you'd miss her." Brittny said. "She's so sweet."

Carson nodded. "Yeah."

"We're back on. . . now!"

Carson turned to the camera. "In case you're just tuning in, I'm here with the Backstreet Boys and Unique. Right now we're gonna go out on the streets, and get a couple questions. Right now we have Annie. Hey Annie, you there?"

"Hi, Carson!" a girls voice screamed. Everyone looked at the monitor she was on. "Hi, guys!"

"Hey!' they chorused.

"Annie, what's your questions?"

"First let me just say, I love you Nick!"

Nick blushed. "Thanks."

"I was wondering, what do you guys sleep in?"

Carson laughed. "What every woman in America wants to know. What do the Backstreet Boys sleep in? I'm sure you girls know."

They all laughed.

"No yet, Carson." Brittny answered. "Not yet."

"Oh, so, what do you sleep in?"

"We all pretty much sleep in boxers and T-shirts. Though, AJ has been known to sleep in the buff before." answered Kevin.

"Really. . . ?" Danielle laughed.

An amused look crossed Carson's face.

"Katie sleeps naked." Danielle said.

"WHAT?!" Nick and Katie cried at the same time.

"I do not!" Katie exclaimed.

"No offense AJ, but, I'd rather know that Katie sleeps naked then you." Carson said.

"None taken, C."

"I don't sleep naked." Katie said. "Danielle, why would you say that?"

Danielle grinned. "OK, ok. She doesn't sleep naked, but, I had ya'll going there for a second there, didn't I?"

"Ya sure did. On that note, here's our number three video. Limp Bizkit with Break Stuff."

PaRt 29
