LaRgEr ThAn LiFe PaRt 29

"We're going on the roof again?" Katie asked as Nick led her upstairs.

"Yeah. It's our special place."

"Oh, really?"

"Yeah. Besides, I have a surprise."

"What is it?"

"If I told you it wouldn't be a surprise, now would it?"

"No,I guess not."

"So, I guess I can't tell you."

Katie groaned.

"You'll see soon enough." Nick took Katie's hand. "Now, close your eyes."


"Just do it," he commanded.

Katie sighed, and lightly closed her eyes.

Nick pushed the door open, and led her out onto the moonlit roof. He closed the door behind him, and led Katie to where she could take in everything at once.

"Can I open them now?" she asked, impatiently.

"Not yet." Nick gave everything one last glance, making sure everything was perfect. "All right. Open your eyes."

Katie's eyes fluttered open. "Oh, Nick." she breathed. "It's beautiful."

In the middle of the roof was a small, round table, set with expensive looking china, candles, a pasta dinner, and sparkling cider. A CD player sat nearby. On one side of the table there were comforters and pillows piled up so that it looked like a bed. Red rose petals were spread along the bed, and the pink roses were all over the place.

Nick grinned. "Hungry?"

Katie nodded.

He led her over to the table, and pulled her chair out for her. "Mi'lady."

Smiling, she sat down and he pushed the chair under her, then, after turning on the radio, Nick took his own seat.

"Nick, what exactly did you think would happen tonight?" Katie asked several moments later.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean. . . the candlelit dinner, the music. .. the bed. . . "

"Oh, the bed! It's not what you think."

"Then, what is it?"

Nick set his fork down. "Last time we came up here you were talking about how beautiful you thought the night sky was. So, I thought I would create a nice environment for us to be together, and watch the stars."


Nick nodded.

"Aww. How sweet!"

"I try."

'I Need You Tonight' filled the air from the radio.

"Oh, I love this song." Katie gushed. "It could easily be my favorite.

"Thank you. Would you like to dance?"

"I would love to."

Nick jumped up, and extended his hand to her. She excepted, and he pulled her into his arms.

They swayed in time to the music, they're arms wrapped around eachother, and Nick humming along with the song.

"Why did ya'll change it for the album? I like 'Heaven In Your Eyes' more then 'I Need You Tonight'."

Nick shrugged. "They all thought it would go over better."

"Oh," she said as the song ended. "Well, I like 'Heaven In Your Eyes' better."

"Well, there isn't much we can do about it now."

"I guess now."

"Come on," said Nick. "Let's go sit down."


He led Katie over to the make-shift bed, and sat down.

"It's really beautiful up here, Nick. This was a good idea. Thank you." Katie said, sitting down.

"I only do beautiful things for beautiful people." Nick murmured in a low, husky voice.

Katie smiled. "Are you expecting someone else? Because I mean, I could leave,"

"No," Nick laughed. "I was referring to you."



Sighing happily, Katie laid back, gazing up at the sky. Nick moved his body so he was sitting Indian style near her upper body.

He watched as she starred at the sky. "Penny for your thoughts."

Her gaze shifted to Nick's face. "I'm thinking about love."


"Yeah, love."

"What about love?"

"That's gonna cost you more then a penny."

"All I have is a nickel."

"That'll do. I'm just thinking about how it just happens so suddenly. Like one day your just going along living life like normal, and then bam-"

"And your starring into the face of the one you love." Nick whispered.

They're eyes locked.

Nick reached out and brushed a stray strand of hair from her face. "I love you."

A slight smile played with the corners of her mouth. "I love you, too."

"That is the best thing I've heard all night."

"Well, I mean it."

Nick bent down, dropping his lips onto Katie's. The kiss deepened, until their tongues were intertwined, roaming eachother mouths.

Nick pulled away, and moved his legs so he was sitting more comfortably. "Katie?"


"I need you tonight, I need you right no-o-ow," the slow lyrics leaked beautifully from his mouth, more heartfelt and passionate then every before. "I know deep within my heart, it doesn't matter if it's wrong or right. Cuz I see heaven, in your eyes."

Tears nearly filled her eyes, as he held out the last note for what seemed like forever.

She picked her head up, meeting his lips in a hungry kiss. They moved they're bodies so that Katie was straddling Nick, who was now laying down.

They're lips met over and over, each kiss filled with more passion and desire.

They rolled over once more, and Nick pinned her down, dropping kisses along her neckline, moving the sleeve of her dress as he made his way across her shoulder.

"Nick?" Katie asked breathlessly. "Do you really, truly love me?"

"More then anything." he answered between kisses.

"Then I want to be with you in every way possible. Mentally and. . . physically."

Nick stopped and looked up. "You do?"

She nodded.

"I don't want to rush you."

"You're not. I want this. God, you have no idea how bad I want this right now."

"You sure?"


"Then. . . "Nick bent down and let his mouth fall into a deep kiss, as he moved the sleeves of her dress until they fell down her arms, and they're two bodies became one.

PaRt 30
