LaRgEr ThAn LiFe PaRt 30

"That restaurant was really nice." Brittny said as she and Brian walked hand-in-hand down the street.

"I wasn't really paying attention to the food." said Brian.

"Why not?"

"It was to hard with the most beautiful woman in the world sitting across the table from you."

Brittny blushed. "You're so sweet!" All night long Brian had been charming, and sweet to her. Sweeter then ever before.

"Well, it's not hard to be sweet to someone like you."

"Brian!" she cried, giggling. She stopped walking. "Your being so incredibly perfect tonight."

Brian smiled, and turned so they were face to face. "I really, really like you."

"I like you, too, Brian." Brittny said softly.

"I've never felt so strongly about a girl to the point that I get tongue-tied around her." he admitted.

Brittny looked up into Brian's eyes. She tilted her head up slightly, and softly let her lips meet his.

Brian's hands naturally fell into place around her face as the kiss became deepened.

"I guess being tongue-tied isn't always bad." he whispered in a husky voice, when the finally pulled apart.

Brittny let her eyes drift open. "How about this?" She pulled him into another long, lingering kiss.

"Go, B-Rok!" Their moment was interrupted by a raspy voice calling from down the street.

Sighing, they pulled away to find AJ and Danielle heading towards them.

"Hi, guys." Danielle said, when they reached them.

"Hey," Brittny said, not hiding the irritation in her voice.

"Sorry to interrupt your moment, but, we couldn't just walk by ya without saying hi." she explained.

"Why not?" asked Brittny.

Danielle gave her a look.

"Where ya'll headed?" Brian asked.

"Fire and Ice, a club." AJ declared.


"Wanna come?"


"Excuse me," an unfamiliar voice entered the conversation.

Everyone turned to the direction the voice had come from.

"My name is Angie Velaras. I was wondering if I could take a couple pictures of you four for People."

"Sure, why not?" AJ answered.

Angie's face relaxed. "Thanx." she pulled out her camera, and began snapping pics.

Several group shots, two of just Danielle and Brittny, three of AJ and Brian, one with Brian's arms around Brittny's shoulders, one of AJ with his arms around Danielle's waist, and one of each couple kissing softly.

With the pictures all taken, they headed to the club.

"What was ssssooo funny!" Brittny laughed hours later as they entered the hotel lobby. "I cannot believe you tripped over that guy!"

Danielle's face turned red with embarrassment. "It's not like I expected there to be a guy drunk and passed out on the dance floor."

"Your cute when your face is all red." AJ laughed.

Danielle glared at him as they stepped onto the elevator.

A man was standing inside. "What floor please?" he asked.

"15." Brittny replied.

"16." AJ answered.

"No can do." the man said.

"What do you mean no can do?" Brian asked.

"Nobody is allowed on the 16th floor. That's why I'm in the elevator."

"Why not?" AJ asked.

"Someone set some kind of stink bomb off and it was really strong, so, no ones allowed on that floor."

"But all of our stuff is there!" Brian cried.

"I'm sorry. It should only be a matter of hours until the stench is cleared. Until then we are placing guests in other rooms for the night. You can get your new room at the front desk."

"You can stay in our room tonight." Danielle suggested.

"Yeah?" AJ asked.

"That's a great idea!" Brittny cried.

"Cool. We'll do that then. Floor 15, please." Brian said to the man.

They got up to the room and went inside.

"What are we gonna do about sleeping arrangements?" AJ asked immediately.

"Uh, you in my bed, Brian in Brittny's, I guess." Danielle replied, sitting down on her bed.

AJ grinned. "I like the sound of that."

"Bone? Man, can I talk to you for a second?" Brian asked.

"Sure B, what up?"


"Oh, yeah. Sure."

Brian gave Brittny a kiss on the cheek. "I'll be right back." He pulled AJ into the bathroom.

As soon as the door shut, the phone rang.

Danielle picked it up. "Hello?"

"Hi, it's Cheryl."

"Oh, hi . . your calling kinda late dontcha thing? It's almost 11:30."

"I have been calling all night, and this is the first time someone answered."

"OH. What did you want?"

"I have some last minute details to discuss, but not over the phone, because of safety issues. Could one of you girls come down to my room now please?"

Danielle sighed. "I guess so. See ya in like five minutes."


"Bye Bye." Danielle hung up the phone.

"Who was that?" Brittny asked.

"Cheryl." I have to go to her room for a couple minutes."

"Oh, ok." Brittny yawned. "I'll probably be asleep when you get back."

"Your gonna be in a bed with Brian and just sleep?"

"Yup. And I don't wanna hear you an AJ get your freak on either, so, you better not do anything."

Danielle laughed, slipping a room key into her pocket. "Sweet Dreams."


AJ pulled himself up onto the counter top around the sink. "Wussup?"

"I just wanted to say that I would appreciate you not trying to get with Danielle while I'm in the room." Brian answered.

"You pulled me in here to tell me that?"

"Well, yeah."

AJ burst out laughing.

"What?!" Brian asked defensively. "Dude, I know you, and I know your gonna try and do something. And I don't wanna have to hear it while I'm lying in bed with my girl."

"Don't worry about it. I'll be good."

"Ya sure?"


"Good, now get out, I wanna take a shower."

"Pushy, pushy." AJ slipped out of the bathroom into a pitch black room.

Damn. They don't waste anytime getting to sleep. He thought.

Not wanting to disturb them, he slipped his pants off and pulled his shirt over his head so he was in only his boxers. He crawled into the bed he assumed was Danielle's and wrapped his arms around who he thought was Danielle.

Brittny smiled. Brian didn't waste anytime getting close. She rolled over so that he was facing him, and her rolling body was met with a kiss.

Hmm. She thought. I didn't realize Brian was growing a go tee. Must be five o'clock shadow.

The kiss grew deepened, and more passionate.

Outside the room, Danielle unlocked the door, and pushed it open.

"Why are the lights out?" she mumbled, barely audible, searching blindly for a switch.

She found it, and turned the lights on.

Her eyes widened at the sight that lay before her in Brittny's bed.

"What the fuck is going on in here?!"

PaRt 31
