LaRgEr ThAn LiFe PaRt 4

"Oh come on, Holly. . . " Katie said as she pulled several shirts off a clothes rack. The girls had been shopping with Jade, their new clothes consultant for nearly and hour after the Rosie O'Donnel show.

"You embarrassed me on national television, Katie!" Holly cried.

"You were embarrassed?!" Danielle exclaimed "Did you happen to catch anything they said about me and AJ?"

Brittny laughed. "You have to admit that was pretty funny."

Danielle rolled her eyes.

"The point is that I don't think I can face him with him knowing I like him." Holly said.

"Please!!!! Howie really wants to take you out tonight." Katie urged.


Katie turned to Diane. "You'll go on a date with Kevin won't you?"

"Of course!"

She turned back to Holly. "See, we all have dates tonight. Dates with The Backstreet Boys. Do you want to stay at the hotel all by yourself while we have fun?"

"I don't have a date." Emily piped up.

"Yeah, but you have a man back home." Danielle pointed out.

"No, will you please go out with him Holly?"

Holly sighed. "I don't know. . . "

Jade suddenly appeared out of nowhere. "I just found the most fabulous outfits. Now, go into the dressing room and try them on!" she ordered, handing each girl several hangers with different clothes hanging from them.

The began walking to the dressing room, and Katie grabbed Holly, pulling her with her.

"Please, Holly!" Katie continued, almost whinning now.

"Alright, I'm go."

"Yeah!" Katie squealed.

"But just because I want you to shut up."

"Right. This has nothing to do with the fact that you are hot for his bod."

"Exactly. Absolutly nothing."

Brittny heaved an exasperated sigh as she droped several large bags filled with clothes onto her bed in the hotel room she and Katie shared. Danielle and Emily shared the adjoining room, and Holly and Diane's room was across the hall.

Katie threw her bags on the floor and flopped on her bed groaning. "I never knew shopping could be so tiring."

"Well, when you have a bitch named Jade picking out ugly clothes for you. . . " Brittny muttered.

Katie laughed. "True dat."

"True dat? Since when did you start talking like that?"

"I dunno. I've wanted to say it all day, and that seemed like the perfect time."

Brittny wrinkled her brow. "O-kaaaayyyy." She shook her head and opened the door on the opposite side of their beds and stuck her head into Danielle and Emily's room.

"I'm gonna go get a soda from the machine. You want?"

"Sure." Danielle pulled a dollar out of her pocket and threw it to Brittny. "Dr. Pepper please."

"Okie. Emily? Do you want something?"

"Nah. Razor, Robbie and I are gonna go grab some food while you guys are out, so I'll just wait until then." Emily replied.

"K. I'll be back in a second."

Brittny walked out into the hallway, and turned left for the elevator. There was a soda and snack machine on every other floor. Unfortunatly hers wasn't one of them.

Bing! The elevator doors parted, and without looking up, then turned around. The most beautiful pair of blue eyes were starring at her.

"Brian!" Brittny cried. "Hi!"

"Hey," Brian said, shyly.

"What are you doing here?"

"This is the hotel we're staying at." he replied. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm staying here,too. On the 15th floor, obviously since that's the floor I just came off of. What floor are you on?" as Brittny spoke the doors opened on the 16th floor.

"This one." he answered, stepping out. Brittny followed him off.

"I just came up here to get some drinks." she explained.

"Oh." Brian fished through his pocket for his room key.

"Listen, why don't you guys meet us in the lobby instead of at Central Park?"

"Alright, sounds good to me."

Brittny smiled. "Okay, I'll see you at 5 then."

"Alright, see ya."

Brittny tured, and began walking down the hall.

"Brittny! Wait!" Brian yelled.

She turned around.

"What room are you in?"


"Alright. Bye!"


Brittny burst through the door to her hotel room carrying a Dr. Pepper, a Pepsi, and a Coke.

"Brian has such pretty eyes." she gushed.

Katie laughed. "Where'd that come from?"

Brittny walked over into Danielle and Emily's room. "I just saw him in the elevator." she called back.

"Who?" Danielle asked coming out of the bathroom.

"Brian." she replied, handing her the Dr. Pepper. "Where's Em?"

"Oh, Rex and Robbie came over a couple secs ago and they decided to catch a movie."

The phone rang in Katie and Brittny's room. "Danielle!" Katie called.

Danielle crossed over into her room. "Yeah?"


"What? Who would be calling me in your room?"

Katie shrugged and handed her the phone.


"Hey, darlin'."

A smile spread across her face. "AJ. Hey. What's up?"

"Well, Bri told me that Brittny was staying in 1503 so I thought I'd call and see if I could get a hold of you."

"Well, you did."

"Yeah. I wanted to tell you that I got tickets for the play Les Miserables, so you might wanna wear something. . . ya know, nice."

"Les Mis?! Oh my god, I love that play!" Danielle cried.

"Really? So I guess I made a good choice buying those tickets."

"Yeah. Definatly. I've been in love with that song 'On My Own' since I was like 13. I sang it in a talent show once."

"That's cool. I've never seen it, but I love the theater and I heard it was good. So i figured I'd go for it."

Danielle heard someone yelling in the background, then AJ's muffled voice saying, "Yeah, alright, I'll be there in a minute."

"Kev needs my help with something, so I've got to go." he said to Danielle.


"I'll see you later."

"Can't wait."

"Bye, sweetheart."


Katie, Brittny, Danielle, Holly, and Diane sat in the lobby at about five till five waiting anxiously for their dates to arrive.

"What are ya'll going to do tonight?" Katie asked.

"I have no clue." Holly replied.

"Me either." Diane said.

Brittny shrugged.

"We're going to see Les Miserables." Danielle answered happily.

"Oh." Katie said. "I don't know what Nick and I are doing. God, I can't even believe we are going out!"

Just then, the elevator opened. The guys, along with five very large and well built men stepped out.

pArT 5
