LaRgEr ThAn LiFe PaRt 5

Diane and Kevin were seated at a table at a nice Italian resturaunt. Kevin's body guard (one of the large well built men from the elevator) sat at a small table by himself nearby watching them closely.

"Hello. I'm Alexandra, I'll be you're server this evening. Can I get you something to drink?" a woman asked coming to their table.

"Yeah. I'll have a margurita." Kevin said.

"And you, miss?"

"Sprite please." Diane replied.

"Will you be ordering any appitisers this evening?"

"We'd like the breaded cheese please."

"Good. I'll be back with you're drinks in a moment and take you're order then." With that Alexandra walked away.

The two sat for a moment in silence, staring intently at their menus.

Before they knew it, Alexandra was back. She took their order and then left them alone. Back to their silence.

Diane sighed.

"I'm sorry," Kevin said. "I've never been very good at this."

"Neither have I." Diane admitted.

"So. . . "

"Yeah, so. . . "

Kevin laughed nervously.

"What do you like to do for fun?" she asked, playing with her napkin which was placed politely in her lap.

"Club hop and sports." he answered shortly.

"Really? What type of sports?"

"Lifting weights, football, basketball, hockey, horseback riding, and any type of water sport."

"I love horseback riding!" she smiled.


Her face fell. "I haven't had much time to do it though lately, since I've been in Unique's band. I spend alot of time practicing."

"Yeah, I know what you mean." Kevin grimiced. "Ever since we started touring in '93 my life has been pretty much been non-existent. Don't get me wrong, I love what I do, but. . . "

"I know. It's tough."

"Yeah. Sometimes I just want to go home, crawl into bed, and just sleep all day."


They were inturuppted by Alexandra coming back with their breaded cheese. "You're dinner should be out soon." she smiled.

"Thank you." Diane said.

Alexandra left, and they both took a cheese stick.

Diane took a bigger bite then expected and swallowed to soon. Her eyes widened. It was stuck. She couldn't breath. Her throat was closing in on her. Her only reaction was to cough, which made her gag, which made her cough harder.

Kevin looked up. "Oh my god! Are you choking?!"

She continued coughing and gagging.

Kevin jumped up, pulled Diane out of her seat, and wapped his arms around her stomach. He pressed hard. Once. . . twice. .. three times. The cheese flew out of her mouth and landed in the body guards water.

Daiane's face turned beat red.

"Are you alright?" Kevin asked, his face etched with concern.

"Yeah. Yeah. I'm fine." she collapsed in her chair.

"I'm fine. I-I-I just need a drink." she took a big gulp of her Sprite and slammed the glass on the table, totally embarassed.

PaRt 6
