LaRgEr ThAn LifE pArT 6

"You got reservations at the Rose Vine?" Danielle asked, as she and AJ turned off 5th Avenue, AJ's body guard not far behind them. "It's impossible to get in there,"

AJ grinned. "Not when you're AJ McLean."

"Well, why is AJ McLean anymore special then everyone else?"

"I just am." they stopped in front of a large building. "Here we are."

"Good, cuz, I'm starving."

AJ pulled open the dor. "After you, mi' lady."

"Thank you." Danielle glidded inside.

They walked up to the hosts station.

"Name please." the host said.

"McLean. AJ McLean."

The host studied his list carefully. "I'm sorry, Mr. McLean, you're name is not on my list."

"What?! But I called this afternoon. I talked to a girl named Shelia. Se told me she would have a table reserved for us at six. And It's six now."

"I'm sorry, sir, but you're name isn't on the list. Now, I'm going to have to ask you to leave."

"This is outrageous! I made reservations!"

"Not according to this book you didn't."

"But, I-"

Danielle tugged on AJ's arm. "Let's just go somewhere else."

AJ sighed, and they retreated.

"So, Mr. Not-When-You're-AJ-McLean, where are we going now?"

"I don't know. Where do you want to go?"

"Some place fast, cuz I'm hungry now, not forty-five minutes from now."

"You mean, like fast food?"

"Sure, why not?"

"Alright, where to?"


"For real? I LOVE McDonald's."

Danielle laughed, as they began walking to the nearest McD's. "It's an ok place. Nothing says America like a big greasy cheeseburger."

"Mmmm. . . "

They walked silently down the street which was surprisingly quite empty.

"On my own," Danielle sang softly, filling the void. "Pretending he's beside me. All alone, I walk with him till morning. . . "

AJ looked over at her. "That's a nice song. Who sings it?"

"It's from Les Miserables. I've had it stuck in my head since you called."

They turned into McDonald's and got into line to order.

"It sounds beatiful."

Danielle smiled. "Thank you."

"Just like you."

"You're on a roll, AJ." Danielle laughed. "Keep it up."

"No prob."

They soon stood in front of the counter. "Welcome to McDonald's, may I-" the girl behind the counter stopped, looking up. Her eyes widened. "Do you realize who you are?"

AJ chuckled. "Actually, I haven't quite been sure lately. Care to fill me in?"

"You're AJ! You're a Backstreet Boy!" she shrieked.

"Thanx for clearing that up for me."

"Oh my gosh! What are you doing here?!"

"I was a bit hungry, so, I thought I'd come in and order something."

"Oh! Wow!"

"So, would you mind taking out order?"


He looked at Danielle who had an amused look on her face. "Yeah. Our order."

The girl curled her lip snidely at Danielle. "Oh."

"Alright. I'd like a Quarter Pounder with Cheese meal with a Coke." AJ said.

The girl punched several buttons on the register. "And you?"

"Double cheeseburger meal with a Dr. Pepper." Danielle answered.

She turned away and collected their order. She slid the tray across the counter and smiled at AJ. "Enjoy your meal."

"Thank you." Danielle said. The girl glarred at her.

They turned and sat down at a table.

"Geeze. Somebody must have shoved something up her ass." Danielle grumbled.

AJ laughed as he unwrapped his Quarter Pounder. "That always happens to me. I can't take a girl out without someone giving her the evil eye."

"Ya know, maybe, if we go out more then this, we shouldn't let many people know about it. I mean, I think everyone knows about this because of the Rosie show, but, they dont have to know about anything else. If there is an anything else."

AJ nodded. "Yeah. That might be a good idea. And there will be more of this. I hope."

Danielle smiled.

"OH MY GOD!" someone screamed, running over to them. "You're AJ! And You're Danielle! I love you!"

Danielle and AJ looked at eachother and burst out laughing.

PaRt 7
