LaRgEr ThAn LiFe PaRt 9

Katie and Nick were having a great time getting their groove on at Club Metro, a club they heard about from their waiter at dinner.

They were grinding, and getting so close, that Katie knew Nick liked her, when My First Night With You by Mya began to play.

Nick pulled Katie close and she wrapped her arms around his neck, and they beagn to sway in time to the music.

"Are you having a good time?" he asked.

"Yeah. But that body guard guy creeps me out."

"Get used to it. Soon Uniques gonna need body guards, too."

"Can't we ditch him though?"

"No. He has strict orders to keep his eyes on us. We'd never be able to get away from him."

"I think we can."

"Oh, really?"



"First, subtly dance as close to the door as we can, then when I say go, we run."


Slowly, and subtly they made their way over to the door. The song was barely over, when Katie took Nick's hand. "Ready?"

He nodded.

"One. . . two. . . three. . .go!" they ran out the door.

'Hey! Stop!" the body guard yelled, chasing after them.

The continued running down the street, and turned into their hotel. They jumped onto an empty elevator, and Nick pressed the button for the top floor.

"Hurry!" Katie ordered the elevator. The doors were closing slowly, and the guard was catching up.

Finally, the doors were almost fully closed. They grinned and waved. "Bye!"

Katie sunk to the floor, panting. "Why are we going up to the top?"

"Because there's something I want to show you."


They reached the top floor, and Nick helped Katie up, taking her hand, and leading her down the hallway to a heavy metal dor. There was a flight of stairs, and they walked up.

Katie gasped when the got to the top. "Oh my gosh! This is beautiful! You can see the stars! I have never seen stars in New York City!" she cried.

They were on the roof of the hotel.

"Yeah. I love it up here." Nick said. He led her over to the ledge, and they sat down.

"How did you know about it?"

"The guys and I have stayed here a couple times before, and Brian and I just wondered up here once. Pretty cool isn't it?"

"Hellz yeah." Katie layed back so she could look up at the stars. "I love the sky. Especially stars. They're amazing."

Nick starred down at her, taking in everything about her. "You're amazing." he said in a husky voice.

Katies gaze shifted from the sky to Nick. "Really?"

"Yeah. Everything about you is just. . . so. . . amazing."

Katie giggled. "Thank you."

"You're welcome."

Katie's eyes moved back up to the stars.

Nick studied her closely.

Katie's gaze shifted back to Nick. "You're making me nervous. Why are you looking at me?"

"Because I want to kiss you." The words escaped his lips before he realized what he was saying.

"I-I-"Katie didn't know what to say. "I-"

Nick cut her off by placing his index finger on her mouth. "Sssshhhh." she traced her lips with his finger. Slowly, he bent down and captured Katie's lips with his own.

PaRt 10
