sAiLiNg PaRt 1

"Oh my gosh!" Danielle cried, throwing her suitcase and over night bag down on the tiled floor of the three bedroom cabin she and her two friends Brittny and Katie were vacationing in on a very luxurious cruise ship, The Royale.

"Wow!" Brittny cried. "This is. . . amazing."

"It's huge!" Katie exclaimed.

"I know!" Danielle stuck her head in each of the bedrooms. One was decorated in a rose colored motife, one light blue, and one soft green.

She ran back into the sitting room and grabbed her stuff. "I've got dibs on the blue room!"

"Ok." Brittny and Katie looked around the cabin. Brittny ended up with the rose colored room, which left Katie to the green.

The cabin really was huge. There was a small kitchen with a tiled floor and marble counters. There were utensils, a refrigerator, a microwave, a stove, and a small round table.

The sitting room had beige carpeting, a coffee table, a couch, two chairs, and a good sized TV and VCR, with a window looking out onto the water.

The bathroom had tiled floor also, a marble counter top with a double sink. The bathtub was a Jucuzzi with a seperate shower.

Each bedroom had a qeen sized bed, a bed-side table with a radio alarm clock, a dresser, a chair, a safe (that of course you had to pay for when you used it), and a small closet.

The girls spent about 15 minutes unpacking before they emerged from their rooms in bathing suits.

"Ready to hit the pool? Cruise for guys?" Katie asked.

"Of course!?" Brittny replied.

"As always." Danielle was grabbing her key off the table when something caught her eye. A door in the kitchen. "Hey, I wonder what that leads to."

She walked over and turned the knob. "Damn." she muttered. "It's locked!"

"Why don't you try your key. . . " Brittny suggested, rolling her eyes, as if she should have known to begin with.

"Good idea." Danielle stuck her key in the lock, and turned the knob. It opened, leading to. . .

sAiLiNg PaRt 2
