sAiLiNg PaRt FoUrTeEn

"JC?" Danielle asked as the two sat facing eachother the next day on the girls couch.


"Why won't you ever sing to me?"

JC sighed. "Why are we talking about this again?"

"Because you have a beautiful voice, and I want to hear it."

"I'm sorry. . . I'm just not comfortable doing it."

"Why not?! You sing in front of millions of people at your concerts!"

"But that's so impersonable. I'm not singing to someone. And to be honest, I don't feel comfortable singing to someone unless I'm truly in love with her."

Danielle pulled away from him. "You're not in love with me?"

JC's eyes widened, realizing what he had just done. "That's not what I mean!"

Danielle stood up. "That's exactly what you meant!"

"No I didn't mean-"

"Get out!"

JC stood up. "What?"

"I can't believe I had sex with you! I thought you loved me!"

"I do!" JC stepped toward her.

"Get away from me!" she shrieked. "Just go away!" She stalked into her room, and slammed the door shut.

"Joey where are you going?" Katie asked Joey who was getting ready to leave his room, in which they had been talking.

"The bathroom. I'll be right back."

He didn't return for nearly ten minutes, and when he did, he was holding a pink rose between his teeth.

He suavly pulled Katie off the bed, and handed her the rose.

"Aww. How sweet. Thank you. Where did you get it?"

"The gift shop. Now-" he took her hand. "Follow me." He pulled Kate into the bathroom.

The jucuzzi was bubbling, several candles were set up around the room and a bottle of champagne with two whine glasses.

Katie gasped. "What is all this? Joey! We're in the middle of the ocean! Where did you get all this stuff?"

Joey grinned. "I told you! The ship store."

"This is soooo sweet!" Katie sat down on the edge of the jucuzzi. "What exactly do you thinks gonna happen here?"

"Nothing." Joey cracked open the bottle of champagne. "You can go get a bathing suit if you want. I don't want to push you into anything you don't want to do."

Katie stood back up, facing the jucuzzi, her back turned to Joey. "No." she said decidedly. "I think I'm fine."

Joey smiled to himself. He walked up from behind Katie, and wrapped his arm around her as he handed her the glass.

He pressed his lips against the top of her head, working his way down her face, stopping to nibble at her ear, then kissing her neck. He dropped kisses on her bare shoulder. When he reached the spagetti strap of her dress, he lifted his head up and went back to her ear. He softly masaged her shoulders before slowly pushing the straps off Katie's shoulders. Her dress slowly fell to the floor.

"Aaaa!!!" Brittny yelled as Lance splashed her with water in the nearly empty pool.

"I like my women dripping wet." he joked, turning around, and wading away.

Brittny jumped out of the water, and lunged at Lance, landing on his back. She wrapped her arms around his shoudlers. "I like my men dripping with me."

Lance laughed.

Brittny released her grip, and swam around to face him.

Lance wrapped his arms around her waist. "What'd you do yesterday while I was with the guys? Didja miss me?"

"Like you wouldn't believe."

Lance smiled at her and let his lips drop onto hers. "So, what did you do?"

"Got all the dirt on Danielle and JC's relationship, ate pizza at the snack bar, so i can be good and fat for you someday, and, oh yeah, got in a fight with your ex-girlfriend."


"It wasn't my fault! She came up and started shit with me, so I fought back."

"So, what happened?"

"Nothing, really. We yelled, she tried to hit me and missed, so i jumped her, but Danielle and Katie pulled me away, and now she's scared of me."

"So nobody got hurt?"


"Good." Lance kissed Brittny's wet forehead.

"Do you wanna go back now?"

"Yeah. I'm actually getting kind of hungry."

"Ok, let's go."

With that they got out of the pool, and started back to their rooms.

pArT 15
