sAiLiNg PaRt 17

Brittny and Lance walked hand in hand under the moonlight.

"That was so sweet." Brittny said, resting her head on Lance's shoulder.

"Yeah." he agreed.

"I almost started crying! I saw Danielle crying and I was all 'That's it, I'm just gonna cry right here'."

Lance wrapped his arm around her waist. "You know JC's gettin some right now."

Brittny laughed. "Oh boy, I bet."

"And Joey practically carried Katie back to our room."

"Uh huh."

"And Justin and Becky were all over eachother, and Mal and Chris-"

"Lance, what are you getting at?" Brittny stopped walking.

"It seems to me that-well. . . seeing everyone so happy together, I'm just glad that I have you to love."

Brittny smiled. "I'm glad you have me to love, too." she wraped her arms around his neck.

"I want to be with you."

"You are with me."

"But I mean. . . totally and completly 100% with you."

"You want to sleep with me?" Brittny asked boldly.

He looked at her shocked. He couldn't believe she had just said that It made him so nervous that she was so. . . not afraid to say those kinds of things. "Well, I guess. . .I mean. . . i-"

Brittny silenced him with a soft kiss. The kiss tured into another, and another until. . .

"Excuse me." a loud, annoying voice said.

The reluctantly pulled apart.


Danielle (Fishel) rolled her eyes, and angrily brushed past them. "Slut." she muttered under her breath.

Brittny opened her mouth to say something, but Lance cut her off.

"Shhh.. . she's not worth it." he took her hand and they began walking. "Justin said he and Becca were probably going to stay at the dance for awhile longer, and I have his spare key. . . "

"Alright." she whispered. "Let's go."

Lance pulled the key out of his pocket, and unlicked the door, pulling her into the room and shutting the door.

He lifted Brittny up into his arms, and carried her to the bedroom, shoving the door open with his foot.

"Holy shit!" he cried, dropping Brittny on the floor.

Becky and Justin were in the bed in a very compromising position. Justin quickly pulled out, and jumped up, covering himself with a pillow, as Becky wrapped the blanket around herself.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" he yelled.

"I-I-I thought you were at the dance, and-and-and-" Lance stuttered.

Brittny stood up, rubbing her hip. "I am sooo sorry. Come on Lance." she grabbed his arm and pulled him out of the cabin. "So much for that."

"We could go to Chris's."

"Ok, but this time, knock first."

They went to Chris's and knocked on the door.

Chris pulled it open, after several moments passed. He was wearing a robe that was obvious he had just messily pulled on, and wore and irritated look on his face. "What?"

Lance sighed. "Never mind."

Chris glarred at him, then shut the door.

"Lance, honey, tonight just isn't the night."

"But, I feel like it's the night." he whined.

Brittny wrapped her arms around his shoulders. "I promise you, when the time is right, and everything is perfect, we'll be together."

"Alright." he bent down and kissed her lightly, then laced his fingers through hers, and they continued walking the length of the ship.

PaRt 18
