sAiLiNg PaRt 18

"Come on tour with me." JC whispered, his arms wrapped around Danielle is her bed later that night.


"We've spent the last two weeks together 24/7, and I don't think I can go a day without you there with me. I wouldn't feel whole. I want you to come on tour with me."

"Baby, I can't just leave school."

"You can take a year off. Or even take courses through the mail."

"JC. .. "

"Just promise me you'll think about it."


"Promise me."

"I'll think about it." she sighed.


Danielle rested her head on JC's bare chest.

"You know, today when you were mad at me, I felt like a whole part of me was missing. Like someone had ripped out my heart and was just burning it in a fire. I can't feel like that for three months while I'm on tour. I love you to much."

There was silence. JC looked down. Danielle had fallen asleep.

PaRt 19
