sAiLiNg PaRt 19

The next morning, Danielle went back over to her place, and Joey went to his.

Danielle,Brittny, and Katie were sitting around their cabin. Danielle on the kitchen counter, her back against the wall, Brittny lying on the couch, and Katie at the kitchen table, while at the same time, Joey, JC, and Lance were sitting around their place. Joey doing push-ups on the floor, JC sitting on a bar stool, and Lance at the kitchen table.

"I asked Danielle to go on tour with us." JC said.

"JC asked me to go on tour with him." Danielle said.

"Really?" Brittny asked. "What did you say?"

"I'll think about it. She said she'd think about it." JC sighed.

"Well, did it sound more like a yes or a no?" Joey asked.

"Yes and no. I mean, I want to go to be with him, but, I don't think I can just pick up and leave school. I've worked so hard to get this far. . . " Danielle turned the pear she held in her hands slowly.

Katie stood up. "Do you love him?"

"Of course I love her, but when I tried to tell her how much last night, she fell asleep."

Lance chuckled. "That's gotta kill the mood."

"Shuddup. At least I'm getting some."

Joey rolled over and started doing sit-ups. "Is she, ya know, good?"


"In bed?"

"What does that have to do with anything?!" Danielle cried.

"Nothing." Brittny replied. "I just wanted to know. Cuz you know, makeup sex is supposed to be the best."

JC rolled his eyes. "Anyways. . . "

"You know, that is a good idea. I should ask Katie to come with us." Joey said.

Lance nodded. "Yeah, I should ask Britt."

Katie sighed. "I wish Joe would ask me to go on tour with him. I don't know if I can go so long without him."

"Yeah, that's what I'm saying." Brittny sat up.

"So, ya'll would go if they asked you?" Danielle asked.

"Yeah, I think they would go if you asked them." JC said.

"Well, if Katie and Brittny go, you know Danielle will go." Joey pointed out.

"I hope so."

"SO, what are you gona say?" Katie asked, pulling some strawberries out of the fridge.

"I don't know," she groaned. "I just don't know."

PaRt TwEnTy
