sAiLiNg PaRt 20

Danielle paced nervously around the sitting room. She, Brittny, and Katie were supposed to meet JC, Lance, Joey, Justin, Becky, Chris, and Mallory for lunch in fifteen minutes.

She didn't know what she was going to do. She was positive the subject would come up sooner or later, and with only a week left, she knew she was going to have to make a decision.

"Girl, are you still worried about going on tour?" Brittny interrupted her thoughts, coming out of her room.

Danielle nodded and flopped down on the couch, and pulled her knees up to her chest.

Brittny sat next to her. "What's you're answer?"

"I don't know. I have so many things to think about."

"Don't think. What does you're heart say?"

"My heart? My heart says yes."

"Then you should do it."

"You think?"

"Hell, yeah."

Danielle smiled weakly. "Well, I can't just think with my heart on this one." Brittny stood back up. "If everyone thought with their heart, this world would be a better place."

Lunch was almost over, and while everyone carried on conversation, Danielle was virtually silent, and JC was nervous.

Joey and Lance exchanged glances, and stood up.

"Excuse me, Lance and I would like to say something." Joey said.

"Yeah. We know automatically that Becky and Mallory are going on tour with us because they went last time," Lance started.

"And we know JC recently asked Danielle to join us on tour," Joey continued.

JC looked over at Danielle whose expression was blank.

LAnce turned to Brittny. "So, I would like to ask Brittny,"

"And I would like to ask Katie.," Joey turned to her.

"To go on tour with us."

"Whatdya say?" Joey asked.

Katie stood up and threw her arms around him. "Of course!"

"Britt?" Lance asked, sitting down.

"I would love to." she leaned over, and placed a kiss on his cheek.

Everyone resumed conversation.

JC turned to Danielle.

"I don't want to put any pressure on you, but-"

"JC, I've made my decision.

"You have?"

"Yeah. I-"

"Wait. Before you say anything, I just want you to know something."


"I love you, and I physically need you in my life. Yesterday when you wouldn't talk to me, I felt like I was dying. I love you, I need you with me, but if you say no, I'll keep loving you. And I'll do everything in my power to keep us together."

"Are you done?"

He nodded.

"I've decided it would be best for both of us if-"

"You didn't come. I knew it! Damn!"

"Would you shut up?" Danielle laughed. "I was gonna say yes, but since you knew I was gonna say no, I can just not go."

"Oh, no! You're going! Oh god, you're going!" JC kissed her happily. Over and Over.

"Whoa," she pulled away. "Slow down turbo. We're sitting with our friends, are you sure you want to keep going?"

JC grinned. "They won't mind."

Danielle punched him playfully. "Well, I would."

"Oh all right" he sulked.

Across the table, Lance and Brittny were kissing.

"Britt," he murmured between kisses. "Come back to my room with me."


He nodded.

She pulled away thinking for a moment then kissed again. "All right."

Lance took her hand, and without saying anything, they walked back to his cabin, and into his room.

He pulled Brittny into his arms, and laid kisses all over her face. They slowly moved toward the bed, and fell onto it in eachother's arms, still kissing.

Suddenly, Lance stopped.

"Are you sure you want to do this with me?"

"No, Lance, I'm just lying here kissing you because I hate you." she said sarcastically.

"I just want to be 100% sure, because I love you, and i don't want to take advantage of you. I'll wait for you."

"Lance, I love you, too. I want to be with you right now."

Lance smiled, and pulled her into a long kiss and they slowly removed their clothes.

PaRt 21
