
The week was quickly coming to an end. Even though they would still be together, there was a sadness about getting off the ship.

So much had happened to them all in the past two and a half weeks. Their relationships were all based on the fact that they had all just happened to get on the ship. A nearly empty ship at that.

All three couples were hanging out in the sitting room of the girls cabin talking the second to last day they would have together on the ship.

Katie was sitting on the couch with Joey lying down next to her, his head in her lap. Lance was sitting on the loveseat with Brittny next to him, her legs draped over his lap. And JC was sitting in a cushioned chair, Danielle in his lap, sitting horizontally with her legs dangling from an arm of the chair.

"So, are you ready for tomorrow night?" Joey asked.

"What's tomorrow night?" Katie asked.

"A very special surprise that we planned for you." Lance replied.

"Well, what is it?" Brittny asked.

"If I told you, it wouldn't be a surprise."

"Just wear something nice." JC said.

"Aye, aye sargeant." Danielle giggled, leaning down and kissing him.

Brittny groaned. "You two sicken me. Get a room."

Danielle held up her hand, waving her middle finger at Brittny as she continued kissing JC.

Everyone laughed as they pulled apart.

"What are we gonna do for money while we're on tour with you?" Katie asked.

"Well, the hotels and transportation is all taken care of, but if you want extra cash, we can get you a job as stage crew or handling something." Joey replied.

"Well, where are we gonna sleep while we're on the road? Do we ride on you're tour bus with you or what?" Brittny asked.

"You go on the bus with us, and sleep in our bunks. There is just room enough for two people in each bunk." answered Lance.

Brittny grinned. "Sounds good to me."

"You know what would suck?" Danielle asked.

"What?" Katie ran her fingers through Joey's hair.

"If we got in a fight or something. Cuz in such close quarters we can't exactly avoid eachother."

"Then we'll just have to not get into any fights." JC said.

Brittny burst out laughing. "Danielle and I have lived together for almost three years, and let me tell you, it's almost impossible for us to not fight."

"And let me tell you, it's almost impossible to not be miserable when they're going at it." Katie said.

"Well, if you know that you guys fight, couldn't you find some way to prevent it?" Joey asked.

Brittny and Danielle looked at eachother. "No." They said together, laughing.

Lance shook his head. "Could you at least try?"

Brittny shrugged. "I guess so."


"Sure, why not?" she jumped up and ran over to Brittny and held out her hand. "Deal?"

"Deal." They shook on it, and Danielle jumped back into JC's lap.

"Ow!" he yelped. "You smashed my hand!"

Danielle kissed him. "Sorry, baby."

He kissed her back. "It's okay."

"You know," Joey said to Katie. "All that kissing they're doing over their makes me wonder why I'm not getting any love."

"Awwww. Poor baby wants a kiss."

"Yeah. Now can I have one?" he whined.

"I don't know. . . " she teased. "Should I?"

"Yes!" Brittny and Lance cried at the same time.

"Then maybe he'll shut up." Lance mumbled.

"You heard the man!" Joey cried.

Katie laughed, and bent down, letting their lips meet.

Brittny looked around the room. "Uck! This is sick."

Lance chuckled. "You don't think it's sick when we're kissing do you?"

"Well, I like it when we kiss. I don't like it when they kiss."


"C'mere." Brittny pulled him by his collar into a kiss.

"I love you."

"I love you, too. Now, could you go get me a drink?"

Lance shook his head. "You can't get it yourself?"

"No. That's what I have you for."

Groaning, Lance got up.

PaRt 22
