sAiLiNg PaRt 4

Danielle went inside, closed the door behind her and squealed.

Katie and Brittny were sitting right in front of her, at the table, looking at her expectantly.

"Guess who we're having dinner with!" she cried.

"JC?" Katie asked.

"And. . . ?"

Brittny's eyes widened. "We're having dinner with all five of those super fine guys?!"

Danielle nodded.

"Mmm. I am gonna get a piece of Justin's ass!" Katie laughed.

"I'm getting with JC. And I'm pretty sure of that, seeing as I've already met him."

Brittny stood up. "Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go!"

"Yeah!" Katie jumped up. "Mirror check!" They all ran over to a mirror in the sitting room, and checked themselves over.

All three girls were wearing cargos. Katie in her red Tommy shirt, Brittny in a black tank top, and Danielle was in a dark blue tank top with aloha print white flowers that cut off just about her belly button.

"We look cute." Brittny smiled.

"Good. So let's go." Danielle ran her fingers through her thick golden brown hair.


They all began walking to the dinning hall. As they neared the door, Katie suddenly stopped in her tracks, taking deep breaths.

"What's wrong?" Danielled asked.

"We-we are about to have dinner with-with NSYNC!" weez "I'm going to be in the same room as Justin."

"Calm down. Don't have a panic attack now." Brittny said, patting her back. "He's just a normal person like you and me."

"Yeah." Daniele helped her stand up straight. "Just be calm, and let's go."

Katie took one last deep breath. "Alright." They walked into the dinning hall.

The crowd in the hall was small, and Danielle spotted JC right away. She led her friends over to the table, where JC, Justin, Lance, Chris, and Joey were sitting along with three girls. JC stood up as they approached the table, and walked over to meet Danielle.

"Hey," JC greeted. "You look great."

"This is what I was wearing when we talked ten minutes ago."

"Well you looked great then, too."

She smiled. "Well, thank you. You don't look so shabby yourself."

Brittny cleared her throat, making her presence subtly known.

"OH! This is Brittny and Katie."

JC extended his hand. "I'm Josh, but, you can call me JC."

They both shook his hand, and said hi, then they stood in front of the table. "Ladies, this is Justin, his girlfriend Becky," Katie's face fell. "Chris, his girlfriend Mallory, Joey, and Lance and his girlfriend Danielle."

"Wow. Two Danielle's. This could get confusing." Danielle said.

"Well, no offence to her or anything, but I like the Danielle standing next to me more." JC whispered very quietly in Danielle's ear. Danielle smiled and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

Everyone greeted eachother.

"Have a seat." JC suggested. There were four empty chairs at the large circular table between Joey and Chris.

Katie sat next to Joey, Brittny next to Katie, Danielle next to Brittny, and JC next to Danielle.

JC pulled Danielle's seat out for her, and pushed it in as she sat.

"Thank you." Danielle said. "You must be the sweetest guy I've ever met."

JC sat down. "I always do nice things for beautiful women."

"Oh my gosh, I could kiss you!" Danielle cried, flattered.

"I'm sure he wouldn't mind that much." Joey said.

Everyone laughed, as JC shot Joey a look that could kill.

Danielle smiled, as a waiter placed a salad in front of everyone at the table.

"I thought it was buffet night." Brittny wondered aloud.

"Well, the waiter recognized us, and decided it was his duty to serve us steak." Lance told her.

"Oh, that's nice." Katie said, still a bit flustered.

"Yeah." Lance smield at Brittny and Danielle F (Fishel) shifted uncomfortably. Brittny smiled back.

"I'm sorry, what are your names again?" a petite girl with curly brown hair and brown eyes asked. She and Chris were sitting very close to eachother, and holding hands.

"I'm Danielle."



"Oh, I'm Mallory. It's nice to meet you."

"It's nice to meet you, too." Katie replied, eyeing Justin and the girl sitting next to him, with Strawberry blonde hair and big, innocent blue eyes.

"So," Joey said, turning to Katie. "Katherine is a beautiful name. I've always liked it."

Katie barely took her eyes off Justin. "Thanks."

"Would you mind if I called her Kate?" he asked.

Katie finally broke hey gaze, and looked at Joey. "Excuse me?"

"Can I call you Kate?"

"Yeah, sure. Whatever." Katie sighed, and took a sip of the coke that was in front of her, and looked around.

Chris and Mallory were laughing as they through bits of lettuce at eachother. Justin and the girl who she remembered to be Becky were talking, and every couple seconds would give eachother quick yet sweet kisses. Lance, Danielle F, and Brittny were all talking about TGIF, Danielle and JC were majorly flirting, and Joey. . . was starring at her.

Katie smiled nervously, and stabbed a piece of salad with her fork. Why can't it be Justin sitting here next to me instead of Joey?

PaRt 5
