sAiLiNg PaRt 5

"Come on!" Danielle whined playfully.




"Why not? You do it for a living. You've done it in front of millions of people. Why can't you just sing to me?"

"Because, we're in the middle of a resturaunt. I don't want to draw attention to myself."

"Meanie." Danielle sulked.

JC smiled. "Your cute when your mad."

Danielle glared at him. His cute wide eyes made her melt. Her mouth spread into a small smile. "Your cute all the time."

He chuckled, and looked around at his friends, suddenly feeling self-conscious. "Do you wanna take a walk with me?"

Her smile spread more. "Yeah. That would be nice."

"Lance, honey, I'm going to go back to our room." Danielle F. said, rubbing Lance's knee. "Are you coming?"

"Would you mind if I stick around for a little longer and get some dessert?"

Danielle F.'s face fell. She quickly shook it off and smiled, trying to hide her dissapointment.

"No. Go ahead. Hurry back, though. I'll be waiting for you."


Danielle F. leaned down and gave Lance a short kiss. "Goodbye, Brittny. It was nice meeting you."

Brittny looked up at her not smiling, and said very blankly, "Bye."

Danielle F. rolled her eyes and left.

Lance leaned forward to whisper to Brittny across the table. "Can I tell you a secret?"

Brittny sat up and leaned forward. "Sure."

"I'm not really hungry."

"Then why did you just tell her you want dessert?"

"Because she's been grumpy all day and I don't want to be alone with her. It's more fun talking to you."

Brittny grinned. "I know, I am just the most interesting person in the world."

"I can't say I don't agree with you." Lance said.

"Well, your on the road touring all the time, you must have some interesting stories to tell."

Lance shrugged, picking up his menu. "There are alot of crazed people out there. That's kind of why we decided to come on this vactaion. To just get away from everything and everyone."

"That's funny, because I'm pretty sure I came here to meet people. Particulaly people of the opposite sex."

Lance chuckled. "Well, you met me."

"You don't count."

"Whys that?"

"Because you, my dear friend, have a girlfriend. A girlfriend I have met to top it off."

"You don't like her do you?"

Brittny's face fell, and she shifted uncomfortably. "Well. . . I mean. . . uh. . . " she paused. "No, I don't."

"You know, I like you."

"I just told you I hate your girlfriend and you like me?"

"Yeah. Your honest. You don't find that quality in many people. It's refreshing."

"Well, I try my best. . . "

"Do you want to split a sundae with me?"

Brittny pushed a strand of hair out of her face. "Sounds good to me."

"Chris!" Mallory cried, laughing. "Stop it!"

Chris looked around innocently. "Me? What?! I didn't do anything!"

Mallory rolled her eyes, and turned to take a sip of her Sprite. Chris tugged on one of her long brown curls. Hard.

"Ow!" she turned around, and dumped the Sprite over his head.

Chris let out a high pitched shrill, causing the few people that were in the dinning hall to look over at them.

"MaL! God, I'm soaked! My dreds! Oh my god! My dreds!"

Mallory put on a puppy dog face. "Awww. Poor baby got his dreds all wet. He needs a bath."

Chris grinned devilishly. "A shower. . . "

Malory looked at him, confused.

"Care to join me for a shower?"

Mallory cocked one eyebrow. "A shower, eh?"

"Yes, ma'am."

"Why, I'd love to, Mr. Kirkpatrick."

"Wonderful!" Chris jumped up, picked Mallory up, and carried her back to their room.

Becky ran her fingers through Justin's thick, curly hair. "I love your hair."

Justin pulled Backy so she was sitting in his lap. "I love you."

Becky kissed the tip of his nose. "I love you, too."

The cuddled for a moment in silence.

"How'd you get so beautiful baby?"

"Good genes, I guess." Becky joked.

Justin smiled and pulled her into a kiss. "We should call your mother later, so I can thank her."

Becky rested her head on Justin's shoulder. "Then we would have to call your mother so i can tell her what a wonderful job she did raising a sweet, caring, gorgeous guy." she leaned up and kissed Justin. Their lips parted, and their tounged were intertwined.

When they broke apart, Becky returned her head to it's position on Justin's shoulder.

"Can this be true, tell me can this be real, how can I put into words what O feel. . . " Jutin sang softly,

Becky closed her eyes, and took in the beautiful sound coming from the love of her lifes mouth.

Katie rolled her eyes as she listened to Joey ramble on about his superman fetish.

"Did you know that when I was little I tried to jump out a window? That's how much I wanted to be superman."

"Didja hit your head?" Katie mumbled.


"I said I'm going back to my room, I'm tired."

"Oh." Joey's face fell. "Well, can I walk you to your room?"

Katie stood up and glared at Justin and Becky cuddling in Justin's chair. "Yeah. Sure. Whatever."

Without waiting for Joey, she stalked out of the dinning hall, and past Danielle and JC who were starring intently at eachother talking.

"Kate!" she heard Joey call after her, as she neared her door.

Sighing, she stopped. "What?"

"Are you mad?"

"No." she lied.

"Then are you always this rude?"

"Excuse me?!"

"Well, all night long I've been trying to have a nice conversation with a beautiful girl, but you've been glarring at Becky and Just-" a look came over Joey as if he was finally realizing something. "in. Justin. You like Justin."

Katie nodded, sheepishly.

"Well, no offence, but it's not gonna happen. Him and Becky have been joint at the hip since forever."

"Gee, thanks for the pick-me-up." she said dryly.

"Your to good for him anyways."

"You don't even know me."

Joey looked deep into Katie's eyes. "I know that I like you."

Katie looked up at him. Everything about him told her he wasn't lying.

They gazed at eachother for a moment, before Joey moved his face closer to Katie, and their lips met in a deep pasionate kiss.

PaRt 6
