tHe LoNgEsT nIgHt PaRt TeN

"Oh my God!"

Danielle pulled herself away from AJ's sweaty body, her eyes wide. "What the hell was that?!" AJ asked.

"I don't know!"

"All at once, they both scrambled for their clothes, and ran upstairs.

After looking in three different rooms, they found Officer Martin lying, slaughtered in his bed, a person dressed fully in black standing over his body.

Without thinking, AJ lunged at the murderer, and the two began struggling for control of the knife.

Suddenly, the murderer flipped AJ over onto his back, holding the knife at his neck.

"AJ!" Danielle screamed, jumping onto the murderer.

He threw Danielle off his back, and hopped off of AJ, running into the blackened hallway.

"Oh my God. What the fuck was that?" Danielle cried.

AJ stood up, wiping the sweat from his brow. "He's dead."

Danielle glanced at the officer. "Oh God. We. . . " her voice shook. "We have to go get Officer Dade."

AJ nodded, prying his eyes from Officer Martin.

They cautiously walked across the hall and into Officer Dade's room.

The Officer's head lay in a place totally separate from his body.

Trying not to scream, Danielle buried her head into AJ's chest. "We're dead." she muttered.

"No we're not."

She pulled away. "Yes we are! Both people who were supposed to protect us are *dead*. We don't know who's doing this, and we're in the middle of nowhere with a murderer. We're dogmeat!"

"Your right, we're gonna die-if you don't snap outta this. I don't know *what* we're gonna do, but, we've gotta get everybody up and make sure their safe. As long as we stick together, we'll be fine."

Tears filled her eyes as she looked up at him. "Just one question."

"What's that?"

"What if he already got to them?"

PaRt 11
