tHe LoNgEsT nIgHt PaRt SiX

"Officer Dane?" Elizabeth asked, from where she sat in the back of the van with Howie.

"Yes?" Officer Dane was assigned to the group that included Elizabeth, Howie, Danielle, and AJ, and was driving the vehicle.

"Could you please stop at the next rest area please?" she asked sweetly.

"Sure thing."

Five minutes later everyone piled out of the wan, relieved after the past three hours of straight driving.

"Hey guys!" Nick called.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" Danielle asked. "I thought we were taking different routes?"

Nick shrugged. "I guess even taking different ways you wind up in the same place."

"Where are Sarah and Katie?" AJ asked.

"Bathroom." Nick replied.

"Sounds like a good idea to me." Elizabeth said. She turned and walked up to the restrooms.

"All this driving makes me hungry." Danielle said.

"Me too." agreed Howie.

"AJ, give me some money to go buy some food." Danielle demanded.

"What do I look like, an ATM to you?"

Danielle nodded. "Now, can I have some money?"

"Nah, I'll just go with you."

The rest of the group headed to the vending machines.

"Katie, Elizabeth, are you done yet?" Sarah asked a couple minutes later.

"No, I'll be out in just a second." Katie replied from inside the stall.

"Me, too." said Elizabeth.

"Ok, I'll be outside looking around." Sarah said.

"Ok." the two girls chorused.

Sarah left.

Several moments later, Katie heard a toilet flush, water from the sink running, and the door to the restroom opening and closing.

"Elizabeth?" Katie asked. "Did you leave?"

There was no replied.

Shrugging, Katie flushed the toilet, walked out of the stall, and began washing her hands, oblivious to the other person coming out of a stall.

Katie turned to get a towel to dry her hands, when someone came up behind her, quickly took her head in it's hands, smashing her head against the wall.

"Ow!" she cried, her hand flying to her forehead, the world spinning around her. "What th-"

Another sharp pain filled her body, as the culprit knocked her off of her feet, and her body slammed against the ground.

Katie squitned her eyes shut, trying to shake the pain.

Suddenly, something rouch and thick wrapped around her neck, yanking her up off the ground, strangling her.

Katie's hands flew to her neck, struggling to pull the noose from her.

Two cold hands gripped her own, pulling them behind her back, and tying them with another rope.

"I-o-a-" she gagged, trying to get something-anything to come from her mouth. She couldn't breath, or speak, and as each moment passed, less air filled her lungs.

Suddenly, she was being dragged into a stall, but could barely tell where she was going, the floor was spinning.

Her body was lifted up once more, the noose becoming tighter as her while body lifted up off the ground.

Evil laughter filled her ears as she thrashed her body around, trying to find somewhere to put her feet, trying to remove the rope from around her neck.

The last thing she saw was a pair of blue and white Nike's before the only thing she knew was darkness.

"God, what's taking Katie so long?" Nick asked.

Everyone-except Katie-was gathered inside the miniature food court at the rest stop eating lunch. But a half an hour later, Katie was yet to return.

Elizabeth shook her head. "I have no idea."

"I'll go check on her." Danielle offered.

Everyone nodded.

Danielle walked outside, wrapping her coat tighter around her as a chill his her body. She walked down the path and pulled open the bathroom door.

She gasped in horror in when she saw what had become of Katie. A shrill scream echoed across the rest stop.

PaRt SeVeN
