tHe LoNgEsT nIgHt pArT sEvEn

Sharp bullets of rain pounded against the window as Danielle sat, curled up, in the back of the van everyone was now in, starring our at the road.

There was a painful silence after having seen Katie hanging dead in the bathroom. But, also, a feeling of relief that they were no longer split up into two vehicles.

Almost the moment police officers had surrounded the rest stop, Danielle, AJ, Howie, Nick, Sarah, and Elizabeth were rushed from the scene, and back on the road. They felt it was safest.

They'd been driving for three straight hours in almost complete silence. Everyone was to afraid to stop at another rest stop.

"Hey," AJ said hoarsely, climbing into the back-seat, next to Danielle. "You ok?"

Danielle tore her eyes away from the road, and didn't bother to answer AJ's question. He knew the answer. "How's Nick?"

"He cried himself to sleep." AJ whispered back.

It was silent for a moment.

"Why id this happening, AJ?" she asked, tears filling her eyes. "Why? What did we ever do to deserve this?"

AJ wrapped his arms around her, and pulled her close to his chest. "Shh. I don't know. I don't know."

Brian sat down next to Brittny, who was siting in front of the fire he'd built an hour earlier.

"How long did you think it'll be before they get here?" Brittny asked.

"They'll probably be here sometime tomorrow afternoon."

"I don't know why they didn't just fly here like us."

"I think they were trying to throw the killer off." he replied.

"God, Brian, Kevin's gone. Sarah must feel. . . oh, God."

Brian nodded slowly, starring at the side of Brittny's face. "I don't know what I'd do if I lost you."

Brittny turned her face to Brian. "I don't know what I'd do without you."

Brian reached his hand up, and caressed Brittny's cheek with his thumb before lightly pressing his lips against hers.

"I'm so afraid of losing you, Brian." she whispered, her eyes only partly open after their kiss. "And I don't want to miss out on a single moment-or experience with you."

Brian pulled away. "What are you saying?"

Brittny moved so her lips were inches away from his ear. "Make love to me, Brian."

Brian moved back, and looked into her eyes, shocked.

"What?" he gulped.

Brittny unbuttoned the buttons of her shirt, and let it fall to the floor. She sat still for a moment, watching Brian watch her. She then picked up his right hand, kissed one of his fingers, then placed his hand on her breast.

She moved close to him, and hungrily kissed his lips, as he brought his other hand up, and placed it on her other breast.

Little did they know. . . someone was watching them. . .

PaRt EiGhT
