tHe LoNgEsT nIgHt PaRt EiGhT

PaRt NiNe

"Brittny!" Brian called. "They're here!"

Brittny jotted out of the den down the foyer and out the front door, giving the first person she saw a humongous hug, then continued to hug everyone except the two police officers.

"Where's Katie?" Brittny asked once everyone was out of the van.

Nick and Sarah simultaneously burst into tears, Elizabeth buried her head in Howie's chest, and AJ's face fell solemn. Danielle's face remained blank, still showing no emotion.

"What?" Brian asked, worriedly. "What happened?"

"Katie was. . . " AJ said softly. "Murdered yesterday."

Brittny's eyes widened and Brian gasped.

"Oh my God." Brittny breathed.

Brian took Brittny into his arms, both of them shocked. "Come along gather your belongings, and hurry into the house before anyone sees you."

"Nobody will see us." Brian snapped. "We're three miles away from the closest house."

"Even so. It's or job to keep you safe." said Officer Martin.

Teary eyes, and pale faced, everyone took their belongings and shuffled into the house.

They all picked bedrooms, two to a room, all nearby eachother, even though there were enough for everyone to have their own. They were all to scared to sleep alone.

Brittny and Brian were already sharing a room, while Elizabeth and Howie, Nick and AJ, and Danielle and Sarah shared.

The rest of the day seemed to go by slowly. Nobody spoke much, and everyone seemed to be caught up in their own fears. And in a large, creepy ranch-style mansion that they couldn't leave, there wasn't much to do. By 7:30, after dinner, everyone just decided to go to bed. What else could they do?

After an hour of tossing and turning, Danielle finally gave up on trying to sleep. She wasn't used to such early sleeping conditions.

She crawled out of bed quietly, knowing Sarah had cried herself to sleep twenty minutes ago, and quietly slipped out of her room, walking down the hall to AJ and Nick's.

She cracked the door open and poked her head in.

"AJ?" she whispered.

"Yeah?" he whispered back.

"Are you asleep?"

"Not even close."

"Wanna go do something with me? This house if to creepy for me to go walking around alone."

"All right."

Seconds later, AJ joined Danielle by the door.

"What are we gonna do?" he asked.

Danielle shrugged. "I don't wanna wake anybody up though, so, let's go downstairs and figure something out."

As Danielle and AJ headed downstairs, a dark figure appeared at the other end of the hall, and slipped into one of the bedrooms.

"Hey, who are you?" Officer Dade who had been sitting in his bed, reading, asked.

The figure just grinned evilly, pulling a knife from his or her pocket.

Officer Dade's eyes widened, as he jumped up, fumbling for his gun.

As the figure moved closer, he pointed the gin, getting ready to pull the trigger, but still the figures moved closer.

Officer Dade pulled the trigger. Click. Click.

"What the hell?" his fun was empty. "Fuck!"

The figure lunged at the Officer, slitting his throat with one quick swipe, not a sound coming from his mouth.

Gasping for air, Officer Dade's hands grasped his neck.

The image watched as after seconds of struggling, Officer Dade fell to the bed, and his eyes rolled back into his head.