ThIs GiFt PaRt OnE

Katie McGraw exchanged hugs with two of her best friends and fellow pop superstars, Sarah Smith and Danielle Fountaine.

"I'm gonna miss you guys so much!" Danielle cried.

"Are ya'll sure ya don't wan to spend Christmas with me in Atlanta?" Katie asked, adjusting the strap of her carry-on bag.

The three girls of one of the worlds most popular groups AmBiTiOn were parting ways five days before Christmas.

Katie was going to Atlanta, Sarah; Minnesota, and Danielle was staying in Orlando. "You know we can't do that. We all have other plans." Sarah replied. Katie sighed. "I know. It's just going to be so hard being without you two when we've spent every waking moment for the past few months together on a tiny tour bus."

"Yeah, but, at least now we get to spend time with our boyfriends and family." Said Sarah.

"You mean you get to spend time with your boyfriends." Katie frowned. "My boyfriend wants to spend Christmas at home with his family."

"Well, at least you have Diana and all your old Atlanta friends." Danielle pointed out.

"I guess so."

"Where is Nick anyways?" Sarah asked, speaking of Nick Carter, Katie's boyfriend.

Katie rolled her eyes. "At some dumb radio interview he couldn't get out of. We said our goodbye's last night."

"That's to bad, I tho-"

"Katie!" a loud voice cut Danielle off.

Everyone turned around.

Nick was running toward them.

"Nick!" Katie cried. "What are you doing here?"

Nick stopped in front of her, out of breath. "I couldn't let you leave without saying a real goodbye, could I?" he asked, flashing his million-dollar smile.

Katie's eyes lit up. "How sweet!"

"Well, I need to go, my flight leave in five minutes." Sarah interrupted.

"I'll go with you, and leave these two alone." Said Danielle.

"Bye guys." Katie said, giving them each another quick hug.

"Bye Katie. Call me." Sarah said.

Katie nodded.

"See you in three weeks. I'll see you tonight at Brian's, right Nick?" Danielle asked.

"Yup." Nick quipped.


With that, Sarah and Danielle walked off.

"I thought you had an interview?" asked Katie.

"Do you think a dumb interview is more important to me then you?"

Katie smiled, as Nick pulled her into his arms.

"No." he finished, kissing the top of her head.

"Flight 622 from Orland to Atlanta now boarding in gate 12." A mechanical voice said over the loud speaker. "I repeat, Flight 622 from Orlando to Atlanta now boarding in gate 12."

Katie groaned. "That's me."


"Will you please come with me?"

"Sorry, baby, you know I can't."

"Me, too. God, I'll miss you."

"I'll miss you, too."

Tears filled Katie's eyes.

"Aww, baby, don't cry. You know I hate it when you do that."

Tears trickled down her cheeks. I'm sorry. I can't help it."

Nick bent down, and let his lips fall against hers. "This is the final call for flight 622 boarding in gate 12."

Katie pulled away, and sniffled. "I have to go."

"I love you."

"I love you too."

They're lips fell together once more, in a deep, passionate kiss.

Katie pulled away, and quickly turned to the gate, walking to it at a fast past, refusing to look back and let him see how much she was crying.

She got to the flight attendant, and handed her ticket to her, wiping her eyes.

"Katie, wait!"

Slowly, she turned around, just in time for Nick to pull her into one last kiss.

PaRt TwO
