PaRt TwO

"Are you excited?" Danielle asked Sarah as they waited for Sarah's flight to be called.

Sarah grinned. "Very. I haven't been alone with Jeff since forever." She said, speaking of her boyfriend Jeff Timmons from 98*.

Danielle grinned knowingly. "Alone, huh?"

"Yeah, alone." She giggled.

"Well, I hope you and Jeff have lots of fun alone."

"Oh, we will."

Both girls burst into giggled.

"As much as I love doing it, I'm glad to have a break from touring." Danielle said, once the giggling had died down.

Sarah nodded. "Me, too."

"But we're going to be so far away from each other." She said in a whiney tone.

"Well, we'll be together again in two weeks."

"Flight 739 from Orlando to Minnesota now boarding in gate two."

"Is that you?" asked Danielle.


They both stood up out of the creaky plastic chairs airports provide.

"Have a good time with your man."

"You, too." Sarah smiled.

"Hug!" Danielle cried.

The two girls hugged, and Sarah boarded the plane to Minnesota.

PaRt ThReE
