PaRt ThReE

"Excuse me miss."

Katie's eyes fluttered open. A flight attendant was standing over her.

"Miss, the plane has landed."

"Oh!" Katie sat straight up. "I'm sorry. I must have fallen asleep."

"It's all right. The last person just got off."

She smiled, stood up, grabbed her overnight bag from the overhead compartment, and exited the plane.

"Katie!" a high-pitched voice squealed the second she stepped out of the ramp.

She looked up. "Diana!" she called to the average height girl with long, curly, black hair, and hazel eyes rushing toward her.

They threw their arms around each other, and rocked back and forth in each other's arms.

When they pulled apart, Katie noticed a tall, curly headed, bleached blonde man, standing near by. Justin Timberlake.

"Justin!" Katie gave him a hug also. "What are you doing here?"

"I can to see Diana over Christmas."

"Are you two. . . ?"

They both nodded, smiling.

"Why didn't you tell me?!" she cried.

"You were on tour and everything. I didn't want to bother you with it." Diana replied.

"It wouldn't have bothered me at all! And Justin, I saw you like two weeks ago in New York, and you didn't say anything!"

Justin shrugged sheepishly. "I assumed you knew."

"How long has this been going on?"

"Two months." Diana answered.

"Two months!"

"Why don't we stop debating this and go home?" Diana interrupted.

"HOME!" Katie squealed.

"Oh my God." Justin rolled his eyes. "What a blonde!"

"Excuse me?" Katie propped her hands on her hips. "Who out of the two of us bleaches they're hair blonde? Sure isn't me."

"Don't diss me because you can't be me." Justin said.

"All right!" Diana interrupted, gabbing one of Justin's hands, pulling him away. "Let's go to baggage claim, Katie. Justin, go get the car."

"Yes, master." Justin said, taking the keys.

Smiling, Diana kissed Justin's cheek lightly, and Justin walked away.

"Aww!" Katie cried. "How cute!"

Diana blushed. "C'mon. Let's go."

The two girls walked over to baggage claim, got Katie's suitcases, and met Justin out front.

"So, how are things with you and Nick?" Diana asked as they joined the long line of vehicals waiting to leave the airport.

"Great if you take away the fact that we hardly get to see each other anymore." Katie replied.

"How long have you and Nick been dating?" asked Justin.

Katie's face fell. "It'll be one year on my birthday."

"You and Nick got together on Christmas Eve? I didn't know that." Diana said.

"Your birthday is Christmas Eve?" Justin asked.

Katie nodded.


"You've met Nick before, right?"

"Carter? Yeah. We played b-ball together once." He replied.

"Who won?"

"Me. Then him. Then Brian came in a schooled us both."

Both Katie and Danielle burst out laughing.

"So, what do y'all have planned for the next two weeks?" Katie asked.

"Well, tonight we're going to a Christmas party with people you used to know before you moved to Orlando, and I'm sure there are several people who will show up just to meet you and bask in your fame." Diana replied.

Katie laughed. "Well, I'll be happy to meet them all."

"Tomorrow night your parents asked if we could just hang out at their place so they can spend some down time with you."


"We thought that we would do a little last minute Christmas shopping and maybe catch a movie on Wednesday."

"Sounds god to me."

"Thursday night your parents are having your whole family over for a Christmas dinner."

"And Birthday dinner." Katie added, grinning.

"Right. Then you can decided whether you want to spend the night there, or come back to my place."

"Your place."

"K." Diana laughed. "The on Christmas we have the whole church thing all day. After Christmas we have nothing really planned until New Years."


"Is there anything you want to do?" Diana asked.

"Nope. She replied. "I just want to relax with my friends, and not worry about every reporter on the street taking my pictures."

"Well, aside from local newspapers, we'll see what we can do about that." Diana said.

"Eeeee! I can't wait until the party tonight!"

Back in Orlando, Danielle was busy preparing the extra bedroom in her spacious three-bedroom apartment for the arrival of one of her best friends Brittny Abrahamson.

She was arriving at seven, ten hours after Danielle had dropped Katie and Sarah off to spend the next to weeks with her.

After she cleaned the room, made the bed with nice sheets, and vacuumed, Danielle went to work straightening up the rest of her apartment.

Just as she had finished filing some legal documents of her she had neglected to take care of in her studio/office, the doorbell rang.

"Coming!" she called, closing the metal cabinet. She jogged to the front door, and pulled it open.

"Hey, babe." Brian Littrell said.

"Brian! Hey!"

Brian leaned in, giving her a hell kiss.

The two had been dating for nearly six months, after they were trapped together on a deserted island after a plane crash with Katie and Nick for nearly a week. (A/N: Read AnYwHeRe FoR yOu!).

"C'mon in." Danielle said, puling away.

Brian obeyed, and as soon as Danielle had closed the door, pulled her into his arms.

She shrieked unaware that he was going to do that.

"What are you doing here?"

He began kissing her jaw line. "I was a little lonely, and I wanted to be with you, and I thought maybe we could. . . "

Danielle ran her hand down his chest, encircling his belly button with her index finger. "You thought what?"

He nibbled lightly on her ear. "You know. . . "

Danielle pulled herself away from him. "Not now, Brian."

"Baby, don't play me like that!" he whined, throwing his hands up.

"I'm sorry, but, I have to go to the airport soon." She told him.

"C'mon, it won't take that long."

"What do I look like to you? Your love slave? Do you expect me to just take off my clothes at your every beck and call?" Danielle propped her hands on her hips.

"No. It's just we haven't seen each other in so long. I've missed you."

"Your gonna have to keep missing me, because I don't have time."

"Well, can I have a kiss at least?" Brian asked.

"I don't know. I'm not sure you deserve one." She said, a smile playing on her lips.

"What do I do to prove to you I deserve one?"

"Help me clean up before I have to go pick up Brittny."

"Consider it done."

Danielle leaned toward him, and gave him a short kiss. "Now let's get to work."

Brian sighed, and followed her into the kitchen.

Sarah pushed a few stray strands of hair back as she stepped out of the terminal, and looked around.

It was so crowded she could barely see her way around.

One of her best friends, Dana King was supposed to pick her up, and as far as she could see.

Sarah stood up on her tip toes, and could just barely see a buff, tanned man, with golden hair, holding a bouquet of roses, and wearing sunglasses and a hat.

Jeff? She asked herself. It couldn't be. Jeff doesn't get here until tomorrow.

Sarah slowly made her way closer to him, just to make sure, and as she did, he pulled off his sunglasses, and grinned at her.

"Jeff!" she screamed, running into his arms.

"Shh!" he said. "I don't want to draw any attention.

"Oh, who cares!"

Jeff's grin grew, and he leaned down, pressing his lips to hers. Their lips parted, and slowly his tongue made his way to hers.

"Mmm." Sarah murmured. "I've been waiting over a month for that.

"Was it worth it?" Jeff asked.

She nodded. "Defiantly."

He stepped back, and held out the roses. "These are yours, baby."

"Aww! Your so sweet!"

"No, you are."

"Sweet again!" Sarah inhaled the sweet smell of the roses.

"Wait." She stopped herself. "I thought you weren't coming until tomorrow. Where's Dana?"

"I got an earlier flight, and I called Dana to tell her not to come, that'd we take a cab to her place."

Sarah's brow wrinkled. "Dana didn't tell you?"

"Tell me what?"

Her confused look turned to a sultry one. "We aren't staying with Dana."

"Then where are we staying?" Jeff now wore the confused look.

Sarah ran her hand up and down Jeff's arm. "I rented us a hotel room. Just the two of us. . . for the next week."

"Oh, really. .. ?"

"We hardly ever get to see each other, so, I plan to make the most of the little time we do have."

"I'm liking the sound of this."

Sarah let her lips fall against his for a slow, leave-you-wanting-more kiss.

Jeff grabbed Sarah and began pulling her to baggage claim.

"What are you doing?"

"Getting your stuff. I want to get into the hotel room as soon as possible."

Sarah let him pull her along, smiling contently the whole way.

PaRt FoUr
