WhEn ThE LaSt TeAr DrOp FaLLs PaRt 1

"Josh! Stop it!" I exclaimed, pushing my best friend since childhood away from me. "Stop tickling me!"

"But you're just so tickleable." Josh locked.

"Is that even a word?" I asked, pulling him over to the ice cream section of the small grocery store we were in.

Josh was in town off tour with his band NSYNC for a week, and was staying with me at my apartment in DC. We were celebrating by holding a movie night like we used to when we were kids, before he moved to Florida. Movie nights included two movies, one of my choice, one of his, and all the junk food you could imagine.

"I don't know," Josh shrugged. "I guess it is now."

I rolled my eyes. "Anyways. . .what ice cream should we get?"

"Rocky Road."

"Yuck! You know I hate that stuff."

"But Danielle. . . " he whined.

"But Josh. .. I mocked.

"All right. Cookie Dough." he grumbled.

I smiled. "Much better."

He pulled the ice cream out of the freezer and placed it in the cart. "So, are we ready?"

I looked down at the grocery cart. Soda, Ice Cream, chips, dip, cookies, candy, pop corn. All the essentials. "Yup."

We began walking up to the only cash register in the store and stood in line.

"What movies should we rent?" Josh asked.

"Selena." I replied.

Josh groaned. "You always rent Selena!"

"It's one of my favorite movies."

"Well, it's getting on my nerves. Pick something else."

I sighed. "Fine. How about City Of Angels?"

"Sounds good to me."

"Do you realize you just agreed to watch a chick flick." I laughed.

JC grinned. "Chick flick my ass. The only reason I want to watch it is because Meg Ryan is a hottie."

Danielle wacked his chest playfully. "I think Lance's crush on her has spread to you."

A man in a black hoodie got in line behind them.

"All I know is I'd fall off a building for her anytime."

"And Brittny wonders why you and I never got together." she mumbled.

"What was that?" JC asked playfully. "Did you just say you want to get it together? Sorry darlin' I'm saving myself for Meg."

"That's right, keep dreamin', loverboy. You and Meg Ryan. That is soooo gonna hap-" Danielle was cut off by someone wrapping an arm around her waist, and pressing something cold and metal against her temple.

"Nobody moves or the bitch dies!"

PaRt 2

Email: angel00165@aol.com