WhEn ThE LaSt TeAr DrOp FaLLs PaRt 2

I froze, my eyes wide with fear. Josh gasped, and starred at me. He looked just as scared as I was.

The ring of the gun dug into my head, drawing tears to my eyes, as the man dragged me over to the cash register, my eyes locked with Josh's the whole time.

"Take a bag," he instructed. "And put all your money in it."

The old man behind the counted stood frozen.

"Fill the bag!" the man yelled.

Still he stood frozen, starring at me.

"Please." I cried softly. "Please do it."

"You, shup up!" he yelled shaking me violently. "And YOU!" he took the gun from my temple, and pointed it at the clerk. "Fill the fucking bag!"

The clerk shakily opened the cash register, and began filling the bag. He threw the cash-filled bag onto the counter, still shaking.

The robber grabbed the bag, and threw me against the counter. I yelled out in pain as my body hit it full force.

Josh automatically rushed to my side, and helped me up. "Are you okay?" he whispered.

I looked up.

The man's cold eyes starred into me, squinting into angry slits.

I gulped, and sqeezed Josh's hand.

The man lifted his hand, and pointed the gun directly at me.

I exhaled a shaky breath, awaiting what I knew was coming, and let out a sob.

A gun shot rang in my ears.

PaRt 3

Email: angel00165@aol.com