WhEn ThE LaSt TeAr DrOp FaLLs PaRt 3

Josh jumped in front of my pushing me out of harms way.

Another gun-shot. Josh was lying on top of me. I heard two more shorts, then looked up to she the robber running out of the store.

"Josh?" I asked, gently scooting out from under his body. "Are you okay?"

Josh lay moitionless, face down on the floor.

"Josh?" I asked, begining to worry. I rolled his body over.

I screamed. "Oh my god! Josh! Josh! Open your eyes!"

Josh's shirt was stained with blood His own blood. He had been shot in the chest from what i could tell at least two times. With bullet's that were meant for me.

"Help!" I yelled. "Somebody help us!"

Tears whelled up in my eyes, as I sat helplessly next to Josh's lifeless body, holding his hand tightly.

"Josh! You have to wake up! COme on! Open your eyes!"

I heard sirens in the distance and shook his body, tears streaming down my face. "Wake up!"

Paremedics rushed onto the scene. They lifted Josh onto a stretcher, and ran out to the parking lot.

I followed them, still sobbing.

"Are you with him?" One man asked.

All I could do was nod.

"Then jump in. Hurry!"

I climbed into the ambulence.

Two paremedics were cutting off Josh's shirt and placing tubes up his nose.

I climbed toward the front and sat down next to him, as the paremedic who asked me if I was with Josh went straight to work.

I picked up Josh's limp hand, and held on to it tightly. I couldn't stand the sight of him like this.

What if he didn't make it? How could I go on without him? He was my best friend in the whole world. I needed him.

Suddenly, he began coughing weakly, as if he had read my thoughts.

My heart raced happily.

"Danielle?! Danielle?" he asked, his voice struggled and hoarse.

"I'm here!" I said sqeezing his hand tightly. "I'm here."

"Don't leave me. I need you."

The words gave me a chill. I had just been thinking the same thing. We both needed eachother. "Don't worry. I won't leave you. I promise. Everything will be alright."

Josh flinched in pain. "Everything will be alright?" he repeated.

I kissed his hand. I couldn't help but wonder if there was any truth in what I had just said.

PaRt 4

Email: angel00165@aol.com