An hour later I sat in the waiting toom of the ER.

Josh had been rushed into an emergency operation to remove the bullets from his body.

Police had just finished questioning me, and now I had nothing to do. But wait. ANd worry. And remember.

All the memories I had of Josh filled my head at once. Even memories I didn't really have, but stories that our parents had told us.. . .

"Hi Anne!" Karen Chasez cried, opening her front door to find my mother Anne standing there. "Come on in."

"Thanks. How are the kids?" she asked, stepping inside.

"Great. They're naping right now."

"Thank you so much for taking care of Danielle for me."

"No problem at all. She and Joshua play so well together. I've never seen two year olds be friends, but these two are inseperable."


"Yes. When I tried to seperate them for a nap, they screamed and cried. And when I put them together, they fell right asleep."

"Awww. Can I see them?"

"Sure." Karen led my mom into Josh's room.

Josh and I were cuddled closely in his bed, sleeping peacefully.

My mom chuckled. "If they keep sleeping together like this, we'll be in in-laws one day."

"Danielle!" someone cried, snapping me out of my daydream.

Chris Kirkpatrick, one of Josh's band mates and a good friend of mine was rushing toward me.

I jumped up, and ran over to Chris.

He wrapped me into a hug and I immediatly burst into tears.

"Shh." he whispered, stroking my hair with his hand. "It'll be alright. Shhh."

"Chris, I'm so scared."

"I know. I am, too. I rushed over here as soon as you called me. Have you heard anything?"

I shook my head. "He's still in surgery. Did you call Karen and Roy?"

"No. On my way over here I called Justin on my cell. He said he's gonna call them and then head straight over."

"Oh. I would have called them myself, but I just couldn't bare having to tell them what happened."

Chris led me over to the hard plastic chairs the emergency room was infamous for providing.

"God, Chris, why did this happen to us? To him?" I sniffled, resting my head on his shoulder.

"I don't know." he whispered, wrapping his arm around my shoulders, and resting his head on top of mine.

"It wasn't supposed to be like this. I was the one the robber meant to shoot. It should be me in that operation, not Josh."

"Don't say that. If you were in there, JC would be out here crying on my shoulder. But you know what? He'll get through it. Because he's strong. Before you know it, he'll be out here singing and asking for chinese food. He'll pull through."

I closed my eyes. "I hope so."

PaRt 5
