WhEn The LaSt TeAr DrOp FaLLs PaRt 6

"You're what?!" I cried.

"I'm moving to Florida." Josh answered.

"But, why?"

"Remember a while ago when I auditioned for the New Mickey Mouse Club?"

I nodded, sitting down on his bed.

"Well, they chose me. They want me to be a cast member. And in order to do that I have to move to Florida."

"But. . . that's so far away!"

Josh sighed and sat down next to me. "I know. Maybe you could come live with us."

"You know my mom wouldn't let me."

"You're right."

"When do you leave?"

"Three weeks."

"I'll miss you."

"I'll miss you, too. But you can visit, and we can call and write."

I shrugged. "Just don't go off and get famous and forget about me, ok?"

"I won't."


"I promise."

"Excuse me, are you waiting for information on Mr. Chasez?" a doctor asked, interrupting my memories.

I jumped up, and everyone followed suit. "Yes!" How is he?!"

"I'm Dr. Morris. Mr. Chasez just got out of surgery and is in critical condition."

"Is he going to live?" Chris asked.

Dr. Morriss looked at us solemly. "There is no definate answer as of now."

From behind Dr. Morriss, I could see Roy and Karen, Josh's parents rushing toward us.

I ran over, and met them both with a hug, and for the hundredth time that day burst into tears.

"How is he?" Karen asked.

"He just got out of surgery, and is in criticle condition." I answered, pointing to Dr. Morriss. "She's his doctor."

Roy walked over to him. "Can I see my son?"

Dr. Morriss nodded. "Only two at a time for now though."

"You two go." I said to Roy and Karen.

Dr. Morriss showed them down the hall.

Tears poured down my face. Dr. Morriss had just told me my best friend might die. I didn't know how to react, so I cried.

Joey wrapped his arms around me, and let me sob into his chest.

"Lance, how can this happen?" I heard Brittny whisper. "Josh doesn't deserve this. Danielle doesn't deserve this."

"I don't know." Lance replied. "No one deserves this."

"Do you really think God could do this to two people who are so in love with each other and don't even know it yet?"

I was to weak to bother arguing with Brittny for the umpteenth time that Josh and I were only friends. Instead, I cried.

I can't believe Josh is leaving tomorrow. My thirteen-year-old mind thought. I'll probably never see him again.

Tap. Tap. Tap.

I sat up in bed, and ran over to my window. Josh was standing in the street throwing rocks at my window.

I looked at my clock as I pulled it open. It was quater passed midnight.

"What?" I hissed.

"Come out!"

"All right. I'll be right down." I closed my window, and ran downstairs, not caring that I was in a pair of boxers and an over-sized red shirt.

Josh met me on my porch.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, sitting down on the swinging bench.

"The plane leaves at seven, and I wanted to see you before I left." he sat down next to me.


"Are you sad?"

I nodded. "I always thought we'd do everything together. If you leave, we're going to miss out on so much."

"God, I'll miss you."

I sighed. "Don't go."

"I have to."

"Are you sure?"

He nodded.

I sighed again. "Can I tell you a secret?"

"Of course."

"I always thought you and I would go to the prom together and I always thought we would use eachother for practice."


"You know, like, kissing and stuff. Can you believe I'm 13, and I've never been kissed?"

"You have, too! You kissed me when we were in the second grade to see what it would be like!"

I rolled my eyes. "That doesn't count. We were seven."

"Well. . .we could practice now."


"Sure, why not? We might as well do something interesting my last night here."

I turned my body so it was facing his. "This is gonna be so weird. You're like my brother or something. Practically my twin. I-"

I was cut off by the warmth of Josh's lips on mine. We pulled apart and looked at eachother, disgusted, and burst out laughing.

"Promise me we'll never do that again."

Josh chucked. "That's pretty much guaranteed."

PaRt 7

Email: angel00165@aol.com