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::chapter 8-nervous excited::
Justin rolled over in his hotel bed and looked at the clock. 9:32am. He shoved his face into a pillow and banged his fist on the bed in frustration. It was the 5th time he had woken up since he went to bed 8 hours earlier. It was game day, and Justin just wanted to relax before game time. He groaned and finally got out of bed. He doubted he could fall asleep again, anyway.
He walked into the small dinette and scanned it quickly. Nada. He strolled over to the phone and picked it up, calling for room service. He heard the list if cereals they had to offer, and dismayed they didn’t have AppleJacks, picked Cocoa Puffs instead. Nothing like chocolate in the morning.
Seconds later, there was a faint knock on the door.
“This hotel is good, but no one is that fast.” he said out loud as he ambled to the door.
He opened it and found not the food he was craving, but Chris’s girlfriend Terri. She took one look at him, and burst out laughing. Justin growled grumpily as he let her in.
“Remind me never to marry you. I don’t think I could take you looking like that every morning.” She chuckled, looking him over. Justin was clad only in a pair of faded North Carolina basketball shorts and a rather ripped up black shirt. His hair was a frizzy mass of curls and his face had red marks on it from sleeping on his hand.
“Funny, Shorty. Nice to see you, too.” He smiled ruefully as she gave him a hug.
“Aw, you know I missed you Kid.” She said. Justin was like her little brother. In fact, it was he who had introduced the two. Terri was his favorite tutor when they were getting started. As they got bigger, Lou thought it would be a bad thing to have such a young, pretty woman traveling with them, especially one who was involved with a member of the group. Terri now taught at a local high school.
“So, he’s not up yet?” Terri grinned evilly. Both she and Chris had the same twisted humor, and Justin knew what was going through her mind.
“Yes, but don’t wake him up yet. He was up for a long time last night, he was too excited to go to sleep. When I woke up somewhere around 3, he was still awake.” Justin said, sinking back onto the couch, yawning.
“Well, someone else is still tired, too.” Terri teased, settling in an overstuffed chair, her feet tucked under her. Justin looked at his old tutor and still good friend and confidante. He knew what Chris saw in the petite blond. Her hair, just a shade light of brown and a shade dark of blond, fell to her shoulders in waves and her blue eyes sparkled with the same life Chris’s did. Justin smiled at how much Chris and Terri were alike. Both were avid sports and music fans.
“Yeah, I couldn’t sleep very well last night.” Justin finally answered. Terri’s face was immediately concerned. She knew about how when they boys first started touring, Justin had problems with exhaustion, and Lance did lately.
“What’s wrong, Kid? You’re not working to hard, are you?” She quizzed him. Justin smiled at her motherly tone and shook his head.
“Nah, I’m playing a pretty high-stakes game of hoops today. Some chick wrote me a letter saying she has more skills than me, and we’re dukeing it out today. And there’s this other girl, Symone, who I met, and she’s coming to the game, and then we have a date tonight. I think I’m just really excited and nervous.” He lamented.
“Aw, that’s so cute. JuJu’s got a girl. I hope it works out for you, Kid, you really deserve someone better than...” she trailed off, not wanted to say the name.
“Yeah, I know, someone better than Kayleigh.” Justin tried not to wince as he said her name. Kayleigh had been the first girl he was really serious about, maybe even in love with. She had cheated on him while he was on tour, then lied about it. She had caused a lot of friction between him and the rest of the guys. They saw right through her, and tried to warn him, but Justin hadn’t listened.
“So, what time’s the game?” Terri asked, breaking into his thoughts.
“2pm.” Justin said, as there was a knock on the door.
“Room service!” a voice called. Terri told Justin to sit still, and went and got the food. She came back with the platter of cereal, fruit and milk.
“Now, you just eat and relax. You’re going to get crazy at that game, and you need your energy. You have a full day.” The two friends sat, catching up and talking about everything until Justin finally had to go get dressed and get out.
“I’m supposed to meet JC and Lance in 20 minutes to warm up.” He said, getting up of the couch.
“And I guess it’s time to wake up sleeping beauty.” Terri said, standing up as well.
“But the beauty isn’t sleeping.” a soft voice spoke in her ear as a pair of arms wrapped around her waist. “She’s standing right here.” Terri whirled around and looked at Chris, whom she hadn’t seen in almost 2 months. The only reply she gave him was a kiss to make up for all the kisses they’d lost over the time they had been a part.
“Hey.” Chris finally broke the kiss, and leaned his forehead against her.
“It’s so good to see you, and be with you again.” Terri said, as she snuggled into his arms. Justin just made gagging motions behind Chris’s back. Terri laughed and shooed him away. Justin chuckled, leaving Chris and Terri alone in the hotel room, to do whatever two people in love do.

“Krysti, come on, wake up!” Symone banged on the door to her friend’s house. It was noon, and Symone hoped that Krysti was at least awake. She wanted to get to the park early. She continued to hit the door with her fist. Krysti’s parents and younger brother had gone on a cruise the day before the girls had returned home from their adventure. After what seemed like forever, Krysti opened the door. The sight almost made Symone burst out laughing. “What is God’s name are you wearing Krystin Elizabeth?”
“What about it? I think it’s cute! Besides, I want to look good for Lance.” Krysti was unusually dressed in a bright blue tube top and short black skirt. She had heels on her feet that made her about 4 inches taller than her best friend, putting her around the same height as Justin.
“Krysti, go change. You look like you are trying too hard, you know you are beautiful. Plus, I don’t think Lance really goes for the streetwalker look. That’s more Joey’s department!”

Krysti smiled and realized just how odd she would look dressed like this at a basketball game. She walked back into her room to change, and Symone followed her to help her select an appropriate outfit for the day. They decided on a more classic Krysti look. The girl who was known for being a little wacky wore a pair of blue jean shorts and a small white T-shirt with Superstar written in glitter. She pulled her long hair up into a ponytail, changed from the platforms into white sandals and put glitter on her face and arms. She had to admit that she looked a lot better. This was the Krysti that everyone knew and all the guys loved. Symone glanced at herself in the mirror. She wore the same outfit that she always wore for important park games, a pair of University of Florida basketball shorts that had belonged to her older brother, and an orange sports bra. She knew that she looked a little awkward, and a little underdressed, but she knew it was the only way she would stay cool in the hot sun. She also knew that the bright blue and orange made her tan seem darker, and the fact that her well-toned stomach showed could also be a plus.
“You ready?” Krysti asked, snapping Symone out of her reverie.
“As I’ll ever be, I suppose.” She replied. They walked out of the house, and Krysti locked up. They hopped into the SUV, and headed toward the designated park. Nicole would be meeting them there after dropping Adrienne off at daycare, and depositing a check in the bank.
“So, are you nervous?” Krysti questioned.
“About what? The game or the date?” Symone responded
“Both, either, I don’t care. It was just getting a little quiet in here, that’s all.”
“Well, yeah, I guess I am nervous about both, but sort of an excited nervous. I decided that the only way that I can win the game is if I pretend he is just some guy, not the guy I am going out with tonight, and definitely not my favorite member of my favorite musical group. He’s just some guy who I can beat, and he is gonna have to learn to deal with losing to a girl!” Symone said, with spirit in her voice.
“Good idea. Here’s another tip…don’t look him straight in the eye or we will have to scrape you off the floor!” Krysti pulled into the parking lot of Patch Reef Park, and they got out of the car. It was about an hour before they told Justin to be there, and that was just enough time for Symone and Nicole to get warmed up. Krysti grabbed the ball from the backseat, and pulled on her little pig backpack.
“Funny Krysti, really funny. Maybe you should be a comedian instead of a singer!” Symone said, smiling at her friend.
“Oh, oh, good thing you brought that up. I talked to Alex and Tony on the phone last night and they wanted to have a practice tomorrow morning, from like 10 ‘til noon. I said that was cool cause it gave us enough time to get ready for the concert. Did you get your new bass string?”
“Yup, I picked it up while I was with you yesterday, remember?” Symone was the bass player in Asylum Star, and Krysti played rhythm guitar. Alex and Tony rounded out the band with lead guitar and drums. Symone and Krysti had the perfect voices for good harmonies, and everyone that heard the foursome play told them they would soon hit the big time.
“OK, so that’s a plan. Tomorrow at 10 at Alex’s house.” Krysti smiled.
“Wait, why are we gonna practice there? I can’t do that Krys, I don’t want to risk running into…Ian.” Her voice became small at the sound of the last word. Ian, Alex’s older brother had dated Symone, and she felt that he was her first love. On the evening of her 16th birthday, he broke up with her, saying that he thought she was cheating on him. It turned out, it was the other way around. Her heart was shattered, and she tried to stay as far away from Ian as possible. “Can’t we practice at your house? Nobody will be there for a few more days, right?”
Krysti nodded. “That’s cool. I totally forgot about that, I’m sorry.”
“Not a problem. Now I need to go warm up.” Symone grabbed the ball from under Krysti’s arm, and ran onto the court, dribbling expertly, and then unleashing her hook shot from the top of the key. The ball swished, and Symone smiled. She continued to shoot by herself, and Krysti turned on her headphones and sat on the sidelines. ‘Now I just have to wait for my opponent, and his friends, and we can get this show on the road’ Symone thought.

::chapter 7::

::chapter 9::

::she got game::

