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::chapter 3-who's the girl?::

"Wake up, come on." Justin banged on the door to JC's room. After a few minutes it swung open, and he stuck his head out.
"Justin, what's your problem? Since when are you so concerned with getting up on time? It usually takes a threat of military action to get you out of bed, for crying out loud." His hair was sticking up in all directions, and he was shirtless.
"JC, just this once, can we please leave now? I have something really important I have to do this morning." Justin was hoping that he would get another chance to talk to Symone. He had been up all night thinking about her, and contemplating whether or not to go down the hall to her room. He had even gotten out of bed, and walked to her door, but when it all came down to it, he didn't have the guts to wake her and her friend up at 3 in the morning. He wanted to ask her to come to their show in West Palm, and if she did live in Boca Raton, maybe she would come to his game against the smart-ass that wrote him the letter. He could use a beautiful cheering section like her.
JC saw right through his friend's little plea. "What's her name?" he asked. "Huh? "What are you talking about?" Justin was not expecting JC to ask him that. He wasn't going to let him know that he was all worked up over some girl he had just met. After all, he was the Justin Timberlake. He had his pick of loads of girls. It was true that most of them were less than 14 years old, but still. "I just wanted to…Um, I needed to…get back on the bus so…I could…Uh, try to…" Justin's attempt at finding an alternate excuse was failing miserably.
"Justin, come on. I know that look, and you are not gonna fool me into thinking that there is something you absolutely have to do at…" JC looked at his watch; "9 o'clock in the morning, unless it has to do with a person of the female persuasion."
“Okay, it does. I will finally admit it, like a big man I am.” Justin drew himself up to maximum height, and puffed out his chest. “I miss my mommy.”
JC cracked a smile and rolled his eyes. “You’re gonna see her in 2 days, right after the show. And, much as the fans would love it, we cannot start the show any earlier. So therefore, you waking me up at 9 in the morning will not help you see you’re mother faster.” JC reasoned, then seeing Justin didn’t have any comeback, shut the door and tumbled back into bed.
Justin shrugged at his friends sleepyness. Well, as long as he was up and had an hour to kill, he might as well get food. He ran back to his room, grabbed a pair of ADIDAS sandals, his black and silver Nike hat and a pair or wraparound sunglasses, and headed to the dining room. He slipped into a seat in the back corner, so he could watch people as he ate.
People watching was a thing Justin loved to do. Since he had been all over the world, he had seen so many people. Happy, sad, in love, angry, young, old, and all different colors, shapes and sizes. It amazed him that there were so many people out there, with these stories about their lives. It fascinated him, he wanted to talk to every person he saw, learn their story and find out why they looked upset, or wore a certain necklace.
“Hey, my man.” Justin looked up at Lance, who was taking a seat across from him. “People watching again?”
“Yeah. And thinking.” Justin said, removing his sunglasses and rubbing his blue eyes tiredly.
“Thinking, huh? That girl must be pretty special.” Lance joked. Justin immediately sat up and looked around.
“Where? Which girl?” he asked, craning his neck.
“The one you’re into right now. And don’t tell me your not.” Lance said after he ordered his food and Justin had regained normalness.
Justin smiled sheepishly. “Am I that transparent?” he asked.
“Not really. I just saw you talking to some pretty brunette last night by the soda machines.” Lance smirked.
Justin threw a bit of toast at him. “Well, her name is Symone and I don’t think she knew who I am. She didn’t recognize me, at least. She was really sweet. She and a friend are traveling around visiting friends over spring break. And I wanted to find her again before checkout, but I can’t. I hope she hasen’t left yet.”
Don’t worry. It’s a proven fact that 9 out of 10 girls can’t resist the charms of Justin Timberlake. Studies have been done.” Lance said, his face solemn but his eyes sparkling.
“Oh, stuff it PooFoo. Hey, look, I know you’re not THE best b-ball player, but I was wondering if you wanted to help me out. I got this letter from this girl with, and I quote ‘more game then I’ll ever have’ inviting me to play a little 1-on-1 or 2-on-2 with her in a couple of days. Didn’t leave a name, just a location. I really wanna go and show this girl no one beats the king.” He said, grinning smugly.
Lance looked at him in awe. “You mean Elvis is going to be there?”
Justin looked at him, his eyes glittering evilly. “Oh, you best start running now.” Lance laughed and took off out of the dining room, Justin fast on his heels, everyone else staring at them.

::chapter 2::

::chapter 4::\

::she got game::
