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::chapter 2-whats the plan again?::
Krysti and Symone checked out early the next morning, and Symone didn’t see “Justin” again. They got back in their car, a 1993 Nissan Pathfinder that they had split the costs on a year before, when Symone had gotten her license, and drove home. During the ride, Symone pretended to listen to Krysti jabber on about her plan. She didn’t mean to be rude, but her mind was totally focused on the mystery guy she had talked to the night before. He was so sweet, and smart, and the fact that he totally resembled the very guy that her best fried was, at this very moment, scheming to hook her up with was certainly a plus. By the time they pulled into Krysti’s driveway, Symone was fast asleep.
“Sym, wake up. We have major planning to do. In 2 days, you will be playing your most important basketball game ever, and we have to make sure that everything goes as planned.”
“What’s the plan again?” Symone asked while she pulled her duffel bag out of the car.
“Symone Florensia Cabrerra! I just spent the last 2 hours before you fell asleep telling you exactly what the plan was!” Krysti said, exasperated.
“Would you believe I forgot?” she said, a smile creeping on to her face. Krysti was at her most amusing when she was aggravated. Krystin shot Symone a look of pure disgust, and walked toward the door, suitcases in hand. Symone called after her, “Krys, I’m sorry, I just sort of spaced. Tell me the plan again? Please?”
“OK, the short version. As much as you would like to think otherwise, I don’t exactly like hearing myself talk.” Symone stifled laughter and Krysti turned and stuck out her tongue. “First, you are going to let him have a little edge for a while, and then kick his butt. Then, you talk to him during half-time, and make him totally fall for you.”
“Oh, yeah, like that is going to happen. Not in this lifetime, babe.” Symone retorted. Despite all the friends she had, and her popularity with the opposite sex, she could never believe in a million years that someone as talented as Justin was would want someone as average as her. Krysti just assumed that because guys just fell at her feet, they would do the same for Symone, when in fact, she had to try really hard to get guys to like her. But, she had never tried her charms on a guy who had his pick of millions of beautiful girls aroud the world before. This was going to be tough.
“It will. Anyway, the next thing we have to do is get some new clothes. The way I see it, we will be spending at least a few hours with at least one member of Nsync, we better be prepared to look killer.” Krysti opened the door and strode into her room, where she threw her bags on the floor.
“Easy for you to say. I’ve gotta look like a jock while you get to sit on the sidelines and look like a pretty blonde cheerleader!” Symone replied as she walked in behind her. As much as she love playing basketball, she hated the way that everyone assumed it was all she could do. Plus, in her recollection, she has never once looked ‘killer’ during a game.
“You, my friend, are going to look just great. And if all goes according to plan, you will have plenty of time to look all pretty and put-together with Justin around.”
With a laugh, Symone said, “This plan of yours is beginning to sound more and more far-fetched. I’m going to run to my house and drop off this stuff and let my family know I’m alive. When I get back, we can head to the mall, OK?”
“Sounds cool, I’ll see you in a few.” Krysti replied, as Symone threw her bag over her shoulder and walked out the door.

::chapter 1::

::chapter 3::

::she got game::

