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The door to the hotel room creeped open and a head, surrounded by a cloud of pale blonde hair peaked in. The sleeping figure lay in the bed, face up, dark hair tousled. Skyler crept closer to the bed, an impish gleam in her blue eyes. She climbed gently onto the bed, straddling the man. With one arm on either side of him, she bent down, close enough to feel his hot breath on her lips. Suddenly, the other pair of blue eyes flew open.

“Argh!” JC Chasez yelled, flipping the body that was on top of his, under and pinning it on the bed.

“Why, JC, I didn’t know you wanted a morning quickie.” Skyler flashed him a wide smile.

“You little devil!” JC exclaimed, using his arms to push his upper body off of Skylers, but his lower body remained where it was.

“Yes, but that is one of the many reasons you love me.” Skyler said, still smiling.

“Oh, just one of a million.” JC said, kissing her. Skyler pouted when he broke away.

“Oh, don’t pout little girl. I just don’t want to know what would happen if someone like Lou walked in right now.” JC said, rolling over to lay next to Skyler.

Skyler stifled a laugh. “He would have a coronary over his prize pop star and favorite innocent niece in bed together. But then, if he did, he wouldn’t be here to worry anymore, right?” Skyler asked, resting her head on JC’s chest. She walked her fingers from his belly button up to his face, turning hers to kiss him.

“Oh, hell with Lou.” JC said, pulling Skyler on top of him. Their deep kisses and probing hands were interrupted by the door banging open. JC quickly sat up, causing Skyler to fall onto the floor next to the bed. Chris stood in the doorway, laughing hysterically.

“Well, at least someone finds it funny.” Skyler pouted, rubbing her tailbone. “And it’s nice to know you care, JC.” she said, turning to her boyfriend.

“Aww, you know I do.” he said, kissing her.

“Guys, I hate to break this up, but what if I were Lou of Johnny?” Chris interrupted.

“Then we would be in really big trouble.” Skyler said plainly. “I’ve seen Uncle Lou do it before, if he catches an employee and a star together. But he won’t catch us. I know exactly how to do and not to do things, I mean, I’ve been in this lifestyle since I could breath.” Skyler sat on the bed.

“Yeah, yeah, we know. Family business. Mother in PR, Dad’s in management, sister is a tutor.” Chris rolled his eyes. “But I guess the one thing on your not-to-do list is lock the door.”

Skyler grinned sheepishly. “I just wanted to wake him up.”

Chris glanced at JC, motioning with his eyes. “Looks like you’ve woken up all of him.” he stifled a laugh at the bulge in JC’s shorts. JC turned beet red as Skyler and Chris laughed. He mumbled something about going to the bathroom and took off.

“But seriously, Sky, you have to be careful. All of us guys like that you and JC are together. You’re perfect for each other. But if you get caught, you’re off the tour and out of our lives.” Chris said, his dark eyes clouded with concern.

Skyler and JC had been together for almost 2 and a half years. Chris knew that neither one could live with out the other, they were soulmates. He saw the look in their eyes when they were together, the tone of their voices when they talked about one another and the body language they used when they talked together.

“I don’t want that either. I mean, I love you all, but JC...I don’t know if I could breath without him, you know? If I got kicked off tour, it would be like my world stopping. JC is as much a part of me as eating and sleeping.” Skyler sighed. “But you’re right, we should be more careful. But Christmas is coming up, and you guys have two weeks off, and JC and I can just be together. We’re going to just crash at his place for the duration, I think. It’ll be great, almost like we’re married.” Skyler had a sappy grin on her face.

“But you’re not.” Chris reminded her.

“Oh, do you always have to be such a downer?” Skyler asked.

“Yes. It is my job to keep your feet firmly planted to the earth.” Chris said.

“And you do a wonderful job of it.” Skyler said, falling backwards to lay on the bed.
