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“You wanted to see me Uncle Lou?” Skyler asked, knocking on the door to her uncle’s office.

The group was back in Orlando for Christmas, on a two week break. No rehearsals, no press, nothing. The boys were just taking time to relax and catch up with family and friends.

“I need you to do me a favor. There is no one is this entourage I trust more than you, you know that sweetie.” Lou said, stroking his beloved niece’s hair.

“Of course I know, Uncle Lou, I’d do anything you need me to.” Skyler smiled sweetly.

“Well, JC’s apartment is being exterminated and fumigated, and he’ll be homeless over the break. All the other boys are staying with family, or going out of state, and my house will be too crowded. Could he possibly stay with you? He can come with you for Christmas dinner and such. His family is out of the country right now, or he would go there.” Skyler laughed inwardly. Trust JC to think of something.

“Oh, of course Uncle Lou! It’s too bad JC can’t go home to his family, but I’m sure spending the holidays with us will be good for him. I’d hate to se him alone in some hotel on Christmas.” Skyler grinned at her uncle.

“Good, good, he should be over sometime this afternoon. Thank you so much dear, I trust you that you would never do anything to hurt me.” Skyler felt a pang of guilt in her stomach, but ignored it. As she left the office, a wave of nausea hit her. She bolted for the ladies room, making it just in time.

As she wiped her face and mouth with a damp paper towel. The past week or two Skyler had bouts of nausea some mornings. She grinned wryly into the mirror.

“Morning sickness.” she said, sarcastically. She knew it wouldn’t never be a possibility, she and JC always, always, always used protection. As she headed out of the ladies room, she ran smack into Chris.

“Hey Sky, what’s up?” He asked, smiling. He noticed her pal face, and his grin changed into a more serious expression. “What’s wrong, hon?” he said, putting an arm around her and leading her to some chairs.

“Nothing, I’m fine, really.” Skyler said, smiling weakly. “Just some bug or something, it normally clears up by the afternoon.

“Normally?” the warning bells went of in Chris’s head. “How long as this been going on?”

“Oh, a two weeks or so, on and off. It’s probably just some bug.” Skyler tried to shrug it off, but that sarcastic pregnancy thought was becoming less sarcastic and more real.

“Two weeks, in the mornings, gone by afternoon. How late is your period?” He asked, point blank.

Skyler grimaced. “Two weeks.” she whispered.

“SKYLER! Do you know what this could mean???” Chris nearly exploded.

Skyler nodded, hot tears welling in her eyes. She blinked them back, trying in vain to keep them from spilling over. Chris pulled her into a hug.

“I’m so scared Chris...what am I going to do...” she sobbed.

“Shh, it’ll be okay, maybe it’s just a mistake, a scare.” he ran a hand up and down her back.

“God, Chris, you know it I know it. I’ve been denying it for a week and a half. What am I going to tell JC?”

“I have no idea. But first off, we need to get some confirmation on this. Just some home test so you know whether or not it might be true. Okay?” Chris held her face in his hands, forcing her to look at him. Skyler nodded.

“You sound like you’ve done this before.” she said flatly. Chris looked away.

“Yeah. A long time ago. But let’s go, alright?” He helped Skyler up, and headed to a nearby drugstore.
