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Chris watched as Skyler paced nervously around the room. He and Skyler had been close since she first started working with them, almost 5 years ago. It was Christmas Eve and Skyler had to tell JC she was pregnant.

“Sky, you’re wearing out the carpet.” he tried to make her smile.

“Chris, shut it. JC’s going to be here any minute. How am I supposed to tell him? He knows something’s up, the whole world does. Do you know what this could do to him, to me, to us?” Skyler cried, coming to a stop in front of Chris.

“Skyler, we’ve been over this half a billion times. JC is a good guy. He loves you more than he loves music. You love him more than you love me.” Chris smiled. “Lou will have a freak out, fire you, and disown you. He’ll put JC in a lockdown, and you in a safehouse, far away from each other and the press. Lou will strongly suggest adoption. Hell, I strongly suggest it. You’re only 20.” Skyler shot him a peircing look.

“You’re not helping.” She said dryly.

“I’m not supposed to. I’m supposed to be the voice of reason in you’re head. And my voice of reason is telling me to get out of here. JC just pulled up.” Chris gave Skyler a peck on the cheek and a sqweeze. “Good luck.” He said hi and bye to JC as he headed out the door. JC looked at him, as Chris blew by.

“Hey sweetie.” JC leaned down to give Skyler a kiss, but she pulled away.

“JC, we need to talk. Something really big has happened.” Skyler couldn’t look him in the eyes. She played with the fringe on a pillowcase instead.

“Lou?” JC questioned, looking concerned. He didn’t like where this was going.

“No, not Lou. It has to do with us, Josh.” Now JC was really worried. She never called him Josh except when she has bad news or was mad at him. He racked his brain quickly, but couldn’t think of anything bad he had done recently.

“What is it, baby? You know you can tell me anything.” He said, softly.

“Look, I don’t even know how or when this happened, but...well, I’ve got an early Christmas present for you.” her voice dropped to a little above a whisper. “I’m pregnant.”

JC looked at her in shock. “It is mine, right?”

Skyler gave him a disgusted look. “Yes, of course. I have never cheated on you. I love the way you think. I tell you we're gonig to have a baby and you automatically assume it’s someone elses." Her voice dripped with sarcasm. JC was out of shock and had his arms around her in a moment.

“I’m sorry baby. I’m just...I thought we made sure this would never happen. You were on the pill and everything.” Skyler began to squirm. “You are on the pill, right?”

“Well, I kind of ran out during the tour, and couldn’t get them refilled...but you used a condom!” JC sighed.

“Well, first of we have to tell Lou and figure out something. We’re never going to be able to see each other again.”

“Look, we don’t have to tell Lou. I know right now neither of us could handel having a kid. I already decided I want an abortion. I’m not even that far along, a month and a half at most.” Skyler said simply. “It’ll be all over with before we start touring again. JC looked at her in disbelief.

“You are not getting an abortion.” He said. “I don’t beleive it in, I didn’t think you beleived in it.”

“Well, you thought wrong. It’s a mistake. A mistake that can be corrected.” Skyler said coldly, turing her back on him. “I want you to agree with me on this, and come with me.”

“No. I will not agree nor help you with this decision. I’m sorry. Look, this is too much. I gotta get out of here.” And with that, JC took off.

Skyler sank into the couch, as tears started to form. The last thing she needed now was to alienate the person she needed most.
