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JC banged his fist against the steering wheel. How could this of happened? Skyler had sworn to him that she was on the pill, and they still had used backup

JC sat in the parking lot of Transcon, not knowing what to do. He knew the office was open 24/7 for people to come in and work. Lou liked the thought of people working. JC locked the doors to his car and headed into his office. It was a big room, with desks and computer for each of the 5 boys. JC could see a light was on in the room, and wondered who else couldn’t sleep at...he looked at his watch, 3:56 am.

Lance was typing away on his computer when JC walked in.

“Hey, man, what are you doing here?” he asked, not really looking away from his work. JC shrugged.

“I couldn’t sleep.”

Lance grinned wickedly. “I thought since you were staying with Skyler, you wouldn’t be getting much sleep.”

“Shut up, Lance.” JC said, his voice hard as stone. Lance looked at him slowly, his eyes wide in surprise.

“What, did you to fight or something?” He asked. He had never seen JC look like this. His face was pale and drawn, and his eyes bloodshot, as if from crying.

“Yeah, I guess you could call it that. Sky is pregnant. And she wants an abortion.” Lance sat and let it sink in.

“I don’t know what to say, man. That’s rough. And let me guess, you’re against it?”

“Aren’t you?” JC shot back. Lance just kind of shrugged his shoulders.

“I’m all for pro-choice. I mean, especially in this case, do you know what would happen is she had the baby? Lou would freak, the media would have a field day, and you and Sky would never see each other again. I know this is going to be rough for a while, but you two love each other. You’re like two pieces of the same cloth, cut so you fit perfectly together. I think you should stand by her in whatever she decides.” Lance looked at his watch. “Well, I’m heading back before any one notices I’m missing. Merry Christmas, man.” Lance grabbed the rest of his stuff and headed out, leaving JC alone with his thoughts.


Chris held Skyler in his arms, as she cried herself out. He couldn’t believe JC had walked out on her like that. Especially since Skyler was so fragile at that point. Soon she was fast asleep.

Chris got up to just pace with his thoughts. He had to do something. He was in the middle of forming some kind of plan with the front door opened and JC walked in. He saw Chris standing at the top of the stairs, and just looked at him.

“You know, don’t you?” JC asked.

“I was the one who convinced her to go get tests done.” JC nodded.

“Come up here, Josh, I want to talk to you.” JC slowly climbed the stars and sat in a chair as Chris continued to pace.

“When I was a senior in high school, my girlfriend, the love of my life, the only girl I had dated for the past 4 years, was pregnant, and it was mine. She wanted to have the baby, and raise it with me. I was too irresponsible to raise a child, and I knew that. I told her to get an abortion. We fought over it for weeks, and it ended us. I never knew what pain was, what heartbreak was until then. That’s why I left for Florida. I just couldn’t stay, knowing that around any corner she could be there. She had the baby. I have a son, he’s almost 10 now. His name is Joshua, if you can believe it. I send him money and cards, but he just thinks I’m one of mommy’s friends, not his father. No one knows this. No one ever will. But I just don’t want to see you go through the pain of my loss. Lizzie and I we just like you and Skyler. And we lost all that, because we didn’t know what to do. I’ve never even seen my baby boy. Never talked to him. Now, I know Skyler wants an abortion, and you need to talk her out of it. You two will regret it forever is she does. There are going to be consequences to deal with. Deal with them. Don’t lose the best thing you’ve ever had.”

JC just sat, as he watched the tears stream down Chris’s face. JC had to pick this battle, and win it.
