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JC awoke later that morning, Christmas morning, around 11:30. His neck was stiff from the uncomfortable position sleeping on the chair. Chris was still snoring lightly on the couch. JC lifted himself off the chair and padded into Skyler’s room. Her bed was empty, but there was a note sitting on it.

JC and Chris-

You two look adorable sleeping like that, I couldn’t wake you. JC, I’m sorry, but I had to do this. As of 6 am this morning, I went to the clinic. I’m not sure when I’ll be back, or how long this will take. JC, I did this for us. I love you more than I can express, and I couldn’t hurt you’re career like this. It will be tough, but we can work this out somehow, I know it. Please respect my wish. I will love you always, Joshua Scott Chasez.

Love, Skyler.

JC crumpled the letter in his hand and went to wake Chris. He showed him the letter, as angry tears formed in his eyes. How could Skyler betray him like this? Chris just shook his head and looked at his watch.

“Sky never did let anyone tell her what to do. Something in me just isn’t surprised by this, not at all.”

The rest of the morning, he fielded phone calls from family and friends, making up excuses such as Skyler was doing last minute shopping, or was in the shower.

Seconds turned into minutes which turned into hours. By 2 o’clock Chris and JC were getting worried.

“Chris, where is she? This couldn’t take so long. Something’s wrong, I know it.”

“JC, relax, she’s fine. Maybe she just wanted to stay away, let you calm down before she came home.”

Just as JC was about to call Skyler’s cell phone again, the phone rang.


“Mr. Joshua Chasez?” a gentle voice asked.

“Speaking.” JC got a bad feeling in the pit of his stomach. Moments later he dropped the phone with a clatter, tears pouring down his face. Chris grabbed the phone, and saying thank you, got the rest of the information. He then knelt next to JC, who was rocking back and forth on the floor.

“Oh God no...not, God, why...why...”
